008 | 𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕙𝕪𝕦𝕟

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I cant believe they did this to me

"Honey, they loved you, they just couldn't take care of you" I heard my mom say on the other side of my door, atleast I thought she was my mom

I was adopted, I knew about it but I thought my parents were dead, turns out they just didn't want me

"No they didn't want me and you know it" I said back

"Look there's something about your appa that you don't know, I was friends with your parents, really close actually and they told me everything, why they gave you up was one of them, I think its time you know why" I heard my mom say and I really didn't want to but I gave in and opened the door

We sat at the table as she told me everything

"They didnt want you in on all the powers and saving people cause it was dangerous" She ends the sentence like that

"Um...I know, my powers were activated when I was in 11th grade" I said and she let out a thankful sigh, I was confused

"Thank God, Im suprised but thank God I didnt have to explain all that cause its alot"

After that we heard a knock on the door and I went to go open it

"Hi, Are you Kang Taehyun?" A girl with orange-brown hair asked me

"Um...yeah why?" I asked "We need to leave and stop Mr. Kim, Im Soobin, this is Chearyeong, the rest are back there, we'll introduce later"

"Um okay, now?" I ask "Yep" Chearyeong says

I was a little nervous to trust them but they are the only ones like me, I relate to them

I look back and my mom nods and then walks over with blankets and pillows in big bags that we carry "Have fun" she says and kisses me on the forehead

I smile and walk to the others, then she yells something that makes me embarrassed

"I believe in you! Saranghaeyo!"


So close to 100 reads! Thx 🤍

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