020 | 𝕄𝕪 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

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Lia's POV
It's been a year and we haven't seen Beomgyu since the fight

Jennie unnie told us he was on a mission to find someone but that didn't really help us, she also told her story on how she didn't actually die


Jennie's POV
I couldn't do it anymore I felt like I didn't help any of my teamates

I really love Tae but I can't do it anymore

I ran to the hill and then I grabbed my knife and I...

I dropped to the floor crying "I cant do it" I said crying to myself

I felt like a nobody, I couldn't even kill myself

I cut my arm, It hurt really bad but I just went through, I was to scared to cut my self to death so I just cut my arm

Then I through a rock at a tree so it would bounce off and hit me to knock me out hoping I'd bleed to death instead

I did that then everything went black

I was frozen, I could do anything, I felt weird, I had no feeling, I had no emotion, I couldn't see anything

Then all of a sudden, I was in a room and my arm was bandaged, I was lying in a bed I wasn't familiar with, my head hurt

A man walked out of a room and looked supirsed to see me awake

He bowed to me as I bowed back

"Why am I here? And who are you?" I asked "Your were lying on the hill in the forest were I usually get wood from, you were bleeding from your arm and unconscious" He said and then sat next to me

"You were still breathing so I thought I could help" He said with a smile that made me feel warm inside but then tear up cause it reminded me of Tae

"My name is Jeon Jungkook" He said "Wait, Im familiar with that name, are you by any chance friends with a Kim Taehyung" I said and his eyes widened suprised "Yeah" He said with a smile

"Oh, I heard about you but I never meet you yet" I said "Same" He said and then saw my arm and frowned

"Did he?..." He said "Oh, no no no" I said and he sighed in relief

"Um...I'll take you to him now" He said helping me up and then walking me to his car

We made it to the house me and Tae were living together in

I saw it and new something was wrong, things I picked up from having powers

My Powers!

"Thank you Jungkook, I'll see you later" I said as he bowed and I closed the door

I looked at my dog trying to use my powers but nothing happened

I never mess up, Tae must have them, he must have found me

He's not here

I looked down and saw my initials in my arm, I forgot I did that before I went to the mountain

           Couple years later

The new team is born, I feel bad that I left and cause all this mess with Taehyung

I followed them everywhere and watched them, there teamwork was better then I thought, I have faith

            End of Flashback

Lia's POV
Taehyun and Chearyeong went to his Earth because his mom was sick so they went to check in her and the rest of us were currently on Earth 52 trying to figure out Tae's moves, it was hard without Beomgyu's powers

We all missed him, he was like my little brother

We missed Ryujin too, it was hard with out her, it hit Yuna the most, they were really close

Its hard with out them but we managed a year hopefully we run into eachother soon

Taehyun's POV
I was walking to the store to by my eomma more medicine and soup, I was about to walk out when someone ran into me

They turned around and they were all covered up, I looked at there eyes and they looked familiar

Then he ran away

I cant get it out of my hand but I have definitely seen him before but I can't remember where, and why is he running

I put the groceries in my car and drove back home to Chearyeong and eomma

When I made it there I pulled Chearyeong aside

"When I was at the store, this guy ran into me, I swear he looked familiar" I said "Thats strange do you have anyone in mind" she said looking really curious "No, thats what I'm made about"

"Thats okay I'm sure it will come up in your head soon" She said and kissed my cheek

As she walked over to give my mom the soup, I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone, I went through my camera roll, I was just swiping through but stopped at a certain photo

As she walked over to give my mom the soup, I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone, I went through my camera roll, I was just swiping through but stopped at a certain photo

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We look so young, I know have blonde hair, Beomgyu had black hair last time I saw him, Yeonjun has yellow hair now, Kai's hair is the same and Soobins is grey-ish

Then Beomgyu caught my attention, I zoomed in on his face, those eyes, it can't be him

"Chearyeong I think I know who it was" I said "I told you, you would" She said walking over smiling then her face went serious when she saw my face and the photo on my phone

"I think it was Beomgyu...we need to find him"

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