017 | 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕜

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Yeji's POV
I woke up and I was laying next to Chearyeong, I climbed over her almost stepping in someone

I wasn't suprised to see Taeyun laying there in the floor next to Chear who was on the couch at the edge

I went to the Kitchen to get water then went to the Bathroom

Chearyeong's POV
I woke up and I was by myself on the couch but I was on the edge and Yeji's blanket is there so I think she might have used the bathroom

I look down and I see Taehyun, I was just laying there admiring him until my clumsy self fell...


I luckily fell with both my arms and legs on each side of him not touching him, I freaked out when he started to move but he didn't wake up

I was gonna move but my body won't let me, I was looking at his face and it looked so...perfect

My eyes slowly went down to his lips, I was tempted, they looked so perfect and kissable, I stopped myself and hit my head

"Stop it Chearyeong!" I whisper-yelled at myself

I tried to get up without waking him up but his eyes fluttered open

We were looking at eachother and then he just smiled at me making me feel warm inside, I started blushing making me look away

He tucked my hair behind my ear making me look at him again

He then moved his hand into my hair at the back of my head, I had butterflies in my stomach and I think my breathing was changing but I tried making it stable cause J didn't want him to know

He brought me closer looking at my lips but then stopped and looked at my eyes, I could tell he was checking if it was okay

I shyly nodded while looking away, I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye

He slowly brought by closer and then we kissed, I felt like I was floating, we didn't break the kiss but I felt him sit up as I was on his lap

We finally broke it and he looked at me smiling like an adorable dork as I just stuffed my face in his shoulder, I was embarrassed and afraid to ask if I did okay

"Hey Chear" He said and I immediately looked at him suprised "Im sorry, I was worried that what happened would happen, I didnt want you getting hurt" He said, Yeji was right

"Its fine, I was also wrong, I shouldn't have freaked out like that and ran off, I should have just listened to you" I said

He gave me a hug "Its not your fault you just wanted to help"

I got off of him and helped him up "Well now that I know your okay...um...I'll go to my room now with Beomgyu" He said scratching the back of his neck, I could tell he was embarrassed and felt akward with what just happened

"Um yeah...goodnight" I said with a nervous laugh at the end

He smiled and left

"OMG DATE ALREADY!!" Someone whisper-screamed from behind me "Yah Yeji where were you?!" "Hiding behind the kitchen counter, duh" I felt my ears heating up, I felt flustered "Dont be so shy, you guys are so cute, its about time" she said

I rolled my eyes and went to the couch pouting "Im guessing I don't have a spot in the couch anymore?" Yeji said and I didn't answer, she moved to the floor


I woke up to someone shaking me, my eyes fluttered open to Taehyun smiling at me, my cheeks turned red really fast so I turned around hiding it

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