016 | 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤

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Chearyeong's POV
We were headed to Earth 28, none of us live there so we didn't know what we'd except

I messed up a move when we were battling, I apologized a bunch of times hopefully they accept my apology like they say they do

We made to Earth 28 and we showed up in an apartment, we checked around to see if there is anyone

"So I got a game plan" Taehyun said "What if Chaeryoung, Yuna, Kai, and Me stay and then Soobin, Lia, Yeonjun, and Yeji, go out, if you disagree, say" He finished

"I would like to stay inside cause I've been fighting a lot, I need a break" Yeji said "That's fine" Taehyun said "Thank you" she said and plopped her self on the couch

"I'd like to fight, I know I messed up last time, but I think I got it this time" I said "Um...You should stay here Chaer" Taehyun said

I kinda got offended but I guess it sounded kind so I took it as hes just worried for me

"I'll be fine, I wont mess up I promise Tae" I said and I could feel the tension rise and the others were looking at us

Soobin's POV
"Chaer, please, I said you should stay back, I-" Taehyun tried finishing but Chear already slammed the door walking outside

Yeji went to follow her and I pushed Taehyun's shoulder making him turn towards me

"Take it easy man, you went kinda hard on her, she just wanted to help" I said and he looked down "I was just worried" He said "About us or about her?" I said he looked up at me surprised, I just laughed and shoved him playfully

Yeji's POV
I went to go look for Chaer, she was outside on one of the benches talking to a guy, they were laughing and she looked happy, I walked up to them

"Hey" I said "Oh this is my friend Violet" She said "Hi I'm, Younbin" He said bowing and I bowed back shaking his hand

We have to give our fake names since we travel from Earth to Earth

"Nice seeing you Penelope, you too Violet" He said while waving goodbye with a smile and we waved back

"He's cute" I said moving my eyebrows up and down "I guess..." She said with a giggle, then she went back to being sad with her head down

"I just wanted to help Yeji" she said then looked up at me with hurt eyes "I know Chear" "Its almost like he just doesn't care about me, he just shoves me to the side, and to think I liked him" "You still like him dont you" I said and she turned away and started to talk in aegyo

"No.....yes-" she said and I laughed "I think he pushed you away because he cares about you, he didnt want you to get hurt" I said and she looked at me "You think?" "Of course, let's ask him maybe...huh?" I said teasing her

Chearyoung was laughing and then her eyes went big "Yeji watch out!" She said and tackled me, we looked back and there was a giant bulder where we were sitting, we look behind us and there was a giant monster, almost like Godzilla

We didnt move and he walked right over us, it was confusing, we tried running away..."Thanks for saving me" I told her and she smiled

We saw another bulder fly right in front of us making us scream before everything went black

Kai's POV
We heard screams, they could have been anybody but we looked out the window just incase, and there they were, Chaeryoung and Yeji laying on the ground

I looked at Taehyun and it looked like his heart just dropped, he started breathing faster

He ran to the door "Wait Taehyun, you stay here" Lia said "Chaeryoung is out there, I'm going" he said and ran out

Yeonjun and Beomgyu went with him

Yuna, Lia, Ryujin, Soobin, and I all stayed back

Yeonjun's POV
"Chearyeong, Yeji!" Taehyun, Beomgyu and I slightly yelled there names shaking them and checking there pulse

While Taehyun and Beomgyu picked them up I created a portal sending all the bulders coming at us, back

We ran to the apartment doors and went to the room

We layed them on the couch as the girls treated them

Beomgyu got a vision "Guys, Mr.Kim isn't gonna strike until next week" "Why next week?" Yuna said "I dont know but it might be because the next one is gonna be big" Beomgyu said as I saw Lia squeeze Soobin's hand as he intertwined his fingers with hers

"Then we need to train and be ready for it" Ryujin said "But that's to much, look at Yeji and Chearyeong" Lia said "Lia, do want to die along with all those innocent people or do you want to live and save them?" Ryujin said as Lia looked down saying "Your right"

We all went to where we were sleeping but I stopped in my tracks as I saw Taehyun lay down on the floor by the couch were Yeji and Chaeryeong were

"Hey, they'll be okay" I said and he nodded smiling as I left, I was worried to but had to be strong

Sorry I havent updated, I got my phone taken away~
I'm back tho~ 💕 thx for all the love 😊💜

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