026 | ℕ𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕠𝕟

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Chaeryeong's POV
"Tae-Taehyung made me to spy on you" Nayeon said barely awake

"What? So all that stuff was fake?" Beomgyu said as he came closer to her in a angry tone

"Look I'm sorry, but-" Nayeon tried to say and get up but she fell back down groaning

"I was actually starting to like you, I'm sorry, you were like a brother to me" She said Beomgyu was silent and looked at her

"Well what did he ask you to do?" Lia asked her "He asked me to bump into Beomgyu on purpose, get close to him and then find out what he was doing following them" "What did you say?" "Everything" She said and then coughed up blood again in the bucket beside us

"Look the whole time, he would tell me about Ryujin, he told me there past and everything" "And I thought I could trust you..." He said looking at Nayeon as she teared up "I said I was sorry!" She yelled a little causing pain in her chest

She held onto her chest and she was breathing harder, Beomgyu went from angry to worried look but he couldn't move

Everyone went to her as Ryujin went to Beomgyu

Ryujin's POV
"Beomgyu you need to calm down, yes she lied but I lied to you and you flipped and here I am, with you" I said and he looked at me and then back at Nayeon, He walked over to her and held out a hand

"We're getting you to a hospital" He said and pulled her in his back before walking out the door "Wait where is Yuna?" Kai asked as Yuna came running out of the bedroom "Guys, Jennie Unnie just contacted my phone she said she needs us to get Nayeon to this hospital" She said and gave Beomgyu the phone

"Let's Go, well take the two rental cars" Soobin said as we headed out

We went to the hospital Jennie Unnie told us to go to and when we walked in they took Nayeon and we were waiting for any news

"Hello" We heard a women's voice to our right, we turned and it was Jennie "Unnie, is Nayeon gonna be okay?" Yuna asked worried "I don't think so, she told you about her right?" Jennie said "Yes" Yuna said and looked down "It's okay, Nayeon isn't a real person but she had to come from some where, the person inside her wasn't real but outside it was" Jennie said "What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked

"There is a real Nayeon out there, Im Nayeon is her name, she's 25 and has a little boy named Im Jinseo, his father left before he was born so he just took her surname, he is 2 years old and they live on earth 12, she knows about you, so go visit sometime if you like" Jennie said with a smile and we were all in shock

"Wow, really?!" Yuna said and gave Jennie a hug as Jennie just giggled and nodded "She looks just like her but she's real" Jennie said "Wow I want see her now"

"You may but Ryujin you need to come with me" Jennie said and I felt a pair of eyes on me, I knew who it was

Everyone bowed and left but he was still there, I looked at Beomgyu and he looked worried at Jennie "Noona, could I possibly come to?" He asked and Jennie nodded with a smile

Beomgyu intertwined his fingers with mine and then we started to follow behind Jennie

"Who are we seeing?" I asked as we stopped in front of the door "Taehyung" she said and opened the door to him lying there asleep

Beomgyu and I looked at him in shock

We walked in and Jennie woke him up "Tae, there here" she said, he looked at us and smiled "I'm sorry Ryujin, I know you trusted me and we were close when we were younger but it's the past and you don't have to forgive me but I want to give you something" He said and Jennie gave him this glowing stone from the bag next to him

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