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Beomgyu's POV
We were at Earth #61, Ryujins home

We are staying at her house and we were all anxious, it was close to the time when Mr. Kim would attack, Ryujin was the most nervous, it makes sense, her family lives here

I held her hand to calm her down, she smiled at me and then looked down again

We defeated everything Mr. Kim through at us so far, I cant imagine what's coming next

We were about to get up to go eat at the table but then the ground started shaking

"Appa, grab eomma and Jinseo" Ryujin yelled, Jinseo is her younger brother

They ran to the basement were Soobin and Kai guarded the door and the rest of us ran outside

We saw this giant thing fly over us, almost like a airplane but it was bigger like a spaceship from those starwars movies

"That must be it" Yeonjun said "What?!" I yelled "We can't defeat that thing"

"We will, have faith, were going to save my family, everyone's family" Ryujin said as she grabbed my hand with a serious face

We followed the ship until it stopped, when it stopped the bottom opened and it revealed a tall man with black curly hair

We followed the ship until it stopped, when it stopped the bottom opened and it revealed a tall man with black curly hair

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Mr. Kim

"You guys are better than I thought" He said and stepped down on the ground "Its been a long time since I've been here" He said making us confused "What do you mean?" Ryujin said with a strong voice

Mr. Kim walked closer to Ryujin and I was trying to use my powers to see any of his moves before hand but they weren't working

"Well what was it again? Ryujin?" He said to her with a smirk on his face "I was born here" He said and Ryujins eyes went wide

"Then why are you trying to destroy your own home" Chearyeong said, I saw her eyes getting orange-ish red

Her powers are working but why aren't mine

"Because just cause I was born here doesn't make it special, I lost a loved one, you can too" He said turning his view to Ryujin again

I stepped closer to Ryujin, I didnt like how comfortable he was being with her, every second he looked like he was gonna hurt her but he never does, but you never know, he could

He then turned and walked towards me

"You must be Beomgyu" He said "I read about you, you from Earth 9 not here" I said and he laughed "Thats what I want you to think" "Whats the point" "Because, the day Ryujin was born, I was here, her parents didn't give her those powers I did" He said and we all had our eyes open

"Your lying" Ryujin said her face with no emotion and her voice stern "Thats what you saying?" He said and then looked me in my eyes, I felt this pull then I remembered his mind control

I looked away and smacked my face a bit "Very good" He said and I just glared at him

"Now ryujin look him in the eyes and tell him the truth" He said

I looked at her confused and she looked at me with watery eyes

"Tell him now Ryujin or I won't let him go that easy again" He said more stern and more of a yell

"Ryujin what's he talking about" Yuna asked

She started crying and Taehyung shoved me to the ground

"No!" Ryujin yelled

Lia's POV
Beomgyu was on the ground, Mr. Kim standing over him as Ryujin was crying

I had no clue what was happening

"Ill say, please don't hurt him" She said and Mr. Kim backed off of Beomgyu

"I-I am Tae's little cousin and my parents abandoned me, Taehyung took me gave me the powers, my real power is mind control, just like Tae, that time were I 'used' my fake ability that you all thought was real, it was all fake, I knew the plan ahead of time" She said and we were all speechless, except for Beomgyu

I feel like he was definitely hurt the most

"Really?" He said in a calm and hurt voice "Yes" Ryujin barely said over all her tears

"How could you do that to us" He said in a stern voice then he got closer to her and said in a hurt voice "How you do this to me"

"I didnt have feelings for you then how could I have known" she said firing back "That doesn't matter anymore Ryu, when you did have feelings for me, you still continued, thats what matters" "I had no choice" "You did have a choice" He said

"Your just like him, you let your power control you" Beomgyu said I heard Yuna gasp from behind me

"He was gonna hurt my family" She yelled "There not your family! There people who took you in because your parents didn't want you, they must have powers, they must have seen this coming, that's why they didn't want you!" He yelled almost at the top of his lungs and I heard Ryujins breathing change and not in a good my, I could tell that really hit her

"Beomgyu!" Taehyun yelled at him cause of his poor actions

Beomgyu just glared at him and then back at Ryujin "And to think I was actually starting to love you" He said and walked away

We were all standing there in shock as Ryujin fell to the floor crying

Yuna tried to go and comfort her but that didn't work

"Get away from me" She said as she shoved Yuna's hand away "I don't want to lie or hurt you guys anymore, tell Soobin and Kai I said goodbye and I'll miss them"

She said standing up and walking to as Ryujin said his name, Taehyung

"Ryujin!" Yeji called her with teary eyes, all of us had teary eyes

She was like a sister to us

"Sorry guys, like Beomgyu said, my powers took control of me" She said with no emotion

Then they were gone

"Whats you problem, look what you did" Taehyun said turning Beomgyu around

But Beomgyu didn't even look at him

"Shes gone now, and I hope you didn't mean all that stuff cause she obviously had a tough life and you aren't making it any better" Taehyun said and then Beongyu looked up with anger

He shoved away Taehyuns hand "Its her choice, and I'm now I'm about to make mine" He said before leaving

"What are you talking about?!" Taehyun yelled "Home" Beomgyu said walking

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