005 | 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕓𝕚𝕟

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I was flying around getting some air

I was so stressed with all the exams coming up

I went to the top of my house and sat there to relax

I heard my mom call me so I had to quickly go to my room

"Soobin come on you have to pack its moving day, your moving into your apartment" my mom said

"I know" I said and she furrowed her eyebrows "Were you flying again?" She asked me

"Im sorry my mom, I was just so stressed with all the exams, I'm nervous to see the results" I said amd my mom walked over to me and kissed my forehead

"Look what I have?" She said and pulled out an envelope

I tared it open and it was my accepting papers from the college I love

"I got in!" I yelled with excitement as I hugged my mom "I knew it" she said

While I hugged her I heard a knock on the door

I we went to go open it

When I open it there were kids my age standing there

"Um...h-hi Im Lia" One of the girls shyly said the other ones looked at her with a 'are you serious' look

"Anyway, Are you Choi Soobin?" The other girl asked

"Uh...Yes? Why?" I asked confused whether to ask or not my mom then let out her hand to shake "Yes he is and I'm his mother, you must be Yeji, Yeonjun, Chearyeong, and Lia"

They all nodded with a smile as my mom let them in

"How do you know them?" I asked "Follow me" she said as we walked to the living room where they were waiting

"Now, looks like you guys already now everything, and I told Soobin so I'll just introduce" My mom said

"Soobin remeber when I told you about your powers and the story and everything, the people I worked with to save everyone, these are those peoples kids" She said and it was all coming to me now "Soobin meet Lia, Chearyeong, Yeji, and Yeonjun"

"Hey" I said and we bowed "Now you must leave and save everyone, here I packed snacks" My mom said as she gave them to Lia to hold

"Wait but what about college?" I said "Im sorry Soobin, this is more important" she said and kissed me on the check "I love you, goodbye"

And just like that, I found myself walking out the door

"Hey um, whats college" Yeonjun asked me as we were walking side by side behind the girls

"Its like another grade school after high school so you can get a better degree and find better jobs" "Oh, we don't have that on my earth" He said and I was suprised, I thought they were all the same just looked different

"Yeonjun oppa!" Chearyeong yelled from the front "Yeah!" He yelled back "We're heading to Earth 61" she said "Okay" he said and made a portal

I was nervous to go but then Lia came to me "I was nervous to but its actual kinda fun" she said and it made me feel a lot better "Thanks" I said and she gave me a smile

I walked in with her and we entered Earth 61

Thanks so much for the support, because of school I will be uploading randomly so yeah

Pls keep checking up on it or just add it to your library to get notified 😊

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