026 | 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝔽𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖

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6 years later

Lia's POV
I was walking to my car to pick up Soonbok from preschool, Soobin will be back from his job in about 2 hours, leaving me time to hang out with Chaeryeong and Soonbok can have a play date

I was parked the car in the parking lot of her school and went inside to pick her up "Here for Soonbok?" Her teacher asked "Yep" I said and when she moves out of the way I see a little toddler running at me with a big smile

"Eomma!" She said while running at me almost knocking me over "Thank you, see you next Monday" I said and walked out "How was your day today?" "I made flowers with my fingers!" "Huh?! Really?! When will I see it?" "Tomorrow" "I'm excited, did you do good?" "Mhmm" she said and nodded her head in a cute aegyo way, I laughed and buckled her in

I went to Chaeryeong's house, there kid is in kindergarten so he hasn't come home yet

I knock on the door and Chearyeong opens it, we both hug each other and Soonbok and I walk in

"Where is Hyunwoo?" Soonbok asked "He's still at school sis" Chaeryeong said

Chaeryeong and Soonbok call each other sisters, it was a joke from when she was first born...it just stuck

Soonbok went to the couch and sat to watch one of her favorite shows she watches with Hyunwoo

"Taehyun is gonna be here soon with Hyunwoo" Chearyeong said and walked to the kitchen as I placed my purse on the counter

"So how is Soonbok doing with the whole power thing" Chaeryeong said

Just like how we got ours, they have powers as well "She hasn't figured it out yet, she doesn't know she has any and hasn't activated them, because of that I don't know what power she has, mine or Soobin's" I said and Chearyeong nodded "Same here, there has been hints though, like random stuff happens, sometimes Hyunwoo is in one place then he's gone and shows up in another place but it isn't that far away, like in the same room meaning he probably has Taehyun's invisibility and runs around with it one not knowing that's why he shows up in random places" Chaeryeong said and nodded agreeing with her

"Nothing out of the ordinary has happened with Soonbok yet, she is younger then Hyunwoo by a year so" "True, we'll make sure to tell us in the group chat when it happens" She said and then we turn back to look at Soonbok sleeping in the air

"I think we can text the group chat now" I said and Chearyeong hummed in response

I quickly and calmly grabbed Soonbok and put her back on the couch before she fell and not waking her up

A couple minutes passed, Taehyun and Hyunwoo walk in as Soonbok woke up and ran to Hyunwoo, they gave each other big hug as usual and went to play in his room

"So how are you and Soobin?" Taehyun said as he got a cup of water, Chaeryeong and I sitting at the counter

"Good, we're going on a trip with Soonbok soon, I'm sure she will like it, even tho my parents aren't here physically, I know there watching and I know there proud, I can feel it" I said and they both nodded smiling "I agree, we were suppose to go to my sister Chaeyeon's but change of plans because Taehyun had work to do" Chaeryeong said

The two kids both came running out like wild animals to the door

"What happened?" Chaeryeong said "My daddy is here!" Soonbok said "So is Kai hyung and Yuna noona!" Hyunwoo said

They must have saw them through the window

We heard a knock on the door and then Soobin walk in with his arms out catching Soonbok

Kai walked in with Yuna "Same meet up spot I see, when's the move?" Kai said joking making us laugh

"Where's Yeonjun and Yeji? There not back from there trip yet?" Soobin said and we looked at Yuna who pulled out her phone "Yeji texted me saying they have news and they had to make a stop first, they'll be here tomorrow"

We all started to do our own thing when I saw a shine in the corner of my eye

I turn around and I see Yeonjun and Yeji standing there telling me to be quiet

They went up close and jump scared everyone else "OMG your back early!!" Yuna said basically jumping on Yeji

"Yeah well I said that so we can surprise you, did you forget Yeonjun can teleport?" She said

Then Yeonjun walked over to Soobin who was playing with the kids

"You said you had news?" Chaeryeong asked and Yeji got all excited "Yep! Try and guess!"

"You got a haircut!" Yuna said and we all looked at her confused "No dummy she's pregnant" Kai said and all our eyes went wide "How'd you know?" Yeji said "I have my ways"

"For real?" Soobin said looking at Yeonjun who was just smiling and nodding "Woooo!!!" We all cheered

Hyunwoo and Soonbok both stood up on the stool to make themselves taller "Wait wait wait!" Soonbok said getting our attention "Were gonna have a baby brother or sister?" Hyunwoo said as if they were siblings "Yeah I guess, your just not related siblings" "I really want a sister" Soonbok said with aegyo as Soobin took her off the stool before she feel Taehyun doing the same

"Ew no, we need a brother" Hyunwoo said and they both pouted as we laughed

Yeji is only a couple of months and her appointment isn't until a few days she said so they don't know yet

Sorry if this was short I had to end it
Put in the comments what you want the baby to be
Which every gender is commented the most is the gender of the baby
Thank you for reading, I love you so much!! 3k ahhh!! 💕💕💕

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