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Lia's POV
We headed from the alley down the street to my house from Yeonjun's teleportation so that no one would see

We made it to my house and I already had a bad feeling, nothing happened but tears already began to feel my eyes

I walked in and the only person I saw was Jennie "Unnie? What's going on? Where's my mom and the kids?" I asked

A tear rolled down her face and I felt my stomach drop and my legs felt weak "no..." I breathed out to myself as I ran to my moms room

I fell to the floor at what I saw

Why would someone do that? I felt like someone just stabbed me in my stomach, I couldnt breathe probably at the gruesome sight and fell to my knees from my shaky legs

I heard the others gasping behind me

Then I felt someone grabbing me and carrying out, I couldn't see anything cause of all the tears in my eyes

I then felt wind go across my face, it was refreshing and made me breathe and feel better but it doesn't help the fact that they were gone

I finally looked up and actually tried to see who it was, it was Soobin he had tears in his eyes but not one has fallen yet, he just looked at me worried

"Why'd you do it?" I asked and he looked at me confused "What?" He said and I stood up "Why'd you start that fire?!" I said in a shout but no one heard me since we were outside at the opposite side from where they were inside

"I-I'm sorry, Lia-" "No your a trader, how could you do that and comeback like it was nothing, how do I know you didn't do this too" I said while hitting him in chest when he stood up but he just pulled me into a hug stopping me from finishing what I was saying

"I did it for you, they lied to me" He said "What?" I looked at him with tears still running down my face, this time I did see a drop come down his face, Soobin doesn't normally cry so I felt guilty in a way for confronting him like this

"They said they would kill you if I didn't do what they say..." He said hugging me then he loosened the hug and looked at me "...I can't loose you" "Why are they dead?" I said and Soobin was about to say something when someone behind me beat him to it

"Because...you were never supposed to find out" A women said, she looked just like a business lady, a CEO

Soobin put me behind him "I just told her though, you killed them before" He said and I came in front "Actually, I knew, but it wasn't his fault or my family, Chaeyoung told me!" I yelled in anger but she just laughed

"I know, she's dead now" I gasped at what she said, yeah I hated the bitch but damn

"So why me, why my family" I asked as I was trying to hold back my tears, the ones that weren't obviously seen that is "It doesn't matter how you found out, what matters is that you did" She said and then smirked at Soobin "And you can't stop us, we're gonna make your life a living hell" She said and then disappeared behind my house, I knew exactly what she meant

I'm next

A Month Later
We were at my family's funeral, all I could do was blame myself, but my friends helped me not to do so very often lax I'm lucky to have them

I still feel it's my fault tho, if I never went on these stupid missions, I wouldn't have met Soobin and if I didn't meet him then...

I can't finish that, I never regret meeting him, it isn't his fault, maybe if I was just a little more careful

We were getting ready to leave and I was the last one to leave, I just stood there and looked at there graves, I finally accepted that they were gone but it still feels unreal

"Hey" I heard Soobin behind me "Your waiting for me? Why didn't you go with the others?" I asked, he didn't answer he just linked arms with me as we began to walk back

"I still regret it and I know it wasn't wrong, I panicked and now that I'm not panicking I realize there were other ways to deal with it then do what they say" He said and I just nodded signaling him to continue "I don't ever expect Nayeon to forgive me, she's ignoring me now and as much as I would like to talk to her again, I'll accept that she wants to distance because I know what I did was wrong"

"I know, it's not your fault by the way, this could have happened to anyone, it just happen to be us" I said and Soobin stopped me "If you don't want to forgive me, that's fine..." he said with a smile "...because I know that-" He said but I stopped him mid sentence with a kiss

When I pulled away, he had a big smile on, like when a kid walks into a candy store "What?" I said "Nothing, now isn't the right time" He said walking away, I laughed cause I knew what he meant, it is my family's funeral

I looked back at them and knew that no matter what they would be proud of me, especially my mom

Flashback A/n POV
"Eomma...why am I like this?" Lia said  as she had her face in her knees crying

"Like what? What's wrong Jisu-ah?" Her mom said walking over to her and sitting next to her on the bed

"I accidentally showed...my powers at school...they all think I'm weird now...they called me a freak" She said sniffing and crying in between words

Her mom pulled her onto her lap and hugged her while she sang one of Lia's favorite songs Ending Scene by IU it always makes Lia feel better

"If you want I can deactivate your powers but you'll forget" Her mom says and "Can you do it?" Lia asked

Her mom nodded "Close your eyes" She said as Lia closed her eyes and her mom put her finger on her forehead

She was able to take Lia's powers out with her tears, her mom quickly grabbed a tube that she had in her pocket cause she knew this would happen, Lia was too young to have her powers activated

She took her tears of power and put them into the tube

She then woke Lia up as if she just had gone to sleep...Lia forgets everything about her powers until she gets them back and her memories

Since Lia forgets her powers only she still thinks about the people bullying her

"Lia even tho the kids bullied you and told you that you were nothing, I promise you, you are gonna amaze them one day...I'm already proud of you but your gonna make me very very proud m, I know it" She said making the young girl feel more calm and relieved then they continue to sing the song together

End of Flashback Lia's POV
I tear rolled down my cheek, I quickly wiped it off and then turned walking towards Soobin

I hope this is it..

I mean it's been a month, Ryujin and Beomgyu came out as dating so now we have 2 couples, there hasn't been any problems

So we can only hope

???'s POV
This isn't over Choi Jisu...I'll get you and your little boyfriend of yours as well
I thought to my self with a smirk in my face

You stole what was mine, I'm getting it back


(Sorry bad grammar and other things like that)

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