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4 years later A/n POV
Yuna and Kai were walking down the street intertwining fingers "Kai-ah your holding my hand again" She said in a cute voice while smiling "So?" He said and Yuna just rolled her eyes "Why don't you just ask me to be your girlfriend already, I like you, you like me, perfect, what do you say?" Yuna said and Kai just nervously laughed then switched the topic

"Look there's the cafe you like, the one with the dogs" He said and Yuna got excited and ran to the cafe but then stopped

"Hey...your trying to change the topic...Kai I'm serious this time" She said pouting at him, he walked over to her and grabbed her hands "Okay I'm sorry, I'm just worried" He said then continued, linking his arm with hers and they walked

"I'm worried..." He said "About what?" "Well relationships they always fight and some don't last, I don't want that happening" "Kai couples always fight, even friends, we fight sometimes..." "Yeah but when we fight it's okay cause we're friends and when we fight I know that we'll still be friends...but as a couple, if he fight and it's bad then I don't know if we would still be a couple"

Yuna stopped and then took Kai's hand, she walked them over to a private bench

"Kai...I'm sorry" "For what?" "I might be ready but I guess I didn't think about you, it's okay that your not ready, I'll wait" "I am ready, I just am insecure" "Tell you what, even if we get into the biggest fights I promise we will talk it out...I can't promise we won't break up because that would hurt even more" She said smiling at him making him smile back "I know" He said and then just looked at her

She smiled and then quickly kissed him leaving Kai shocked...it felt like everything was in slow motion

She pulled away smiling "So..." Yuna said smiling "I could get used to that" He said making Yuna laugh "But I can only do that if you were my girlfriend" He said making her eyes light up and she smiled the biggest she ever had

She jumped on him making them fall over off the bench

Chearyeong's POV
I woke up and I could just feel a smile already forming on my face, I turned around and I saw Taehyun peacefully sleeping next to me

We now share a apartment which turned into a hang out for all of our friends, they always come over.

I kissed him on the forehead and then went to get up and make him breakfast

I heard movement and looked up at a messy blonde hair boy coming out of the bedroom "Hey, I made breakfast" I said as he came over and back hugged me, his chin on my shoulder

"Yuna said she wanted to come over to see you so you might want to take a shower so she doesn't suspect anything, I'll do the same after you" Tae said "Oh what time?" I asked and he checked his phone "Like 30 minutes" "Oh...30 MINUTES?!" I said and then ran to my room

30 minutes later
I was done and all dressed as Tae was still in the shower, I heard a knock and I opened it to an as usual happy Yuna jumping me with hugs "What are you so happy about?" I said "Kai and I are official!" She said and then we both squealed and Tae ran out in only a towel

"What?!" He said "Kai and I are official!" She said as if him in only a towel is normal "Alright" He said giving Yuna a high five "Babe, go out on clothes" I said letting out a little laugh as Yuna was giggling beside me "She can't see my bottom half and besides we all went to the pool together, but yeah yeah, I'll go" He said walking away

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