011 | ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥!

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Yuna's POV
The door flung open showing the rest of them they flung themselves on to the couch and looked like they would pass out

Kai went into a room and I followed to see if he was okay

"Are you okay?" I asked and he flung his head back and let out a big sigh, he looked really tired but the sweat dripping down him, he looked good


Besides that point I went to go get him water and a wet rag for his head

I gave him the water and started wiping his head with the wet towel, he looked like he was gonna fall asleep sitting up, his eyes here closed but he was still sitting up

He then grabbed my hand, his eyes still closed and he layer in my hand, his hand still holding my hand

He looked like he was sleeping

He then started falling backwards taking my hand with him, flinging me forward

He was laying down, me hovering over him as he held my hand against his cheek

I was totally blushing no doubt, I didn't want it to end but knew it had to before someone walked in so I had to move myself out there

I tried to pull my hand away as I sat up making him follow since he didn't let go

I still tried and then my hand finally slipped out

"No" he mumbled and then grabbed my waits hugging me

I slowly slipped out and he wad lying down fast asleep "Whew"

I walked out, Beomgyu and Soobin passed out on the couch together Lia's hair is wet probably took a shower

Chearyeong was sitting out on the balcony

Chearyeong's POV
I was staring at the landscape infront of me, it showed me the world it felt like

It was so beautiful, I cant believe he would try to destroy it, I started tearing up thinking about there families which made me think about my mom

"Hey Chae- Oh are you okay" Taehyun said coming out to me

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Your not fine, you were crying"

"I just miss my eomma thats all" I said and I felt an arm going on my shoulder and a body right next to me

"Sorry, Im the touchy type" he said "its fine"

"I miss my eomma to bur what gets me through it is, I love my eomma, I want to make her happy so by doing this, saving the world, it will make her happy and proud of me" he says and its true

"Thanks I feel better" I said "No problem" he said ruffling my hair

"Lets go eat" he says as we walk in

Lia's POV
"Guys, I got another vision, Mr. Kim is headed to Earth 17!" Beomgyu said and I stood up fast "That's my home" I said

"Lets get rest and we're going first thing in the morning, he's not there yet and he won't be before we wake up" Beomgyu said calming Lia down

"Lia, Yeji, Ryujin sleep in the room over there, Beomgyu and I will take Kai and well move to the floor as Yuna and Chearyeong take the bed, Yeonjun and Taehyun take the pull out bed" Soobin says and we all nod and go to our sleeping spots

I was really worried, my family's there

Sorry for misspelling 🙃✌

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