013 | 𝔽𝕝𝕪 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕖 ℙ𝕥. 𝟚

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"Yeah, I think I'm gonna get some sleep also" Yeonjun said heading up stairs followed by Taehyun and Kai

"I better get there fast before Kai takes up all the bed" Beomgyu dashed up the stairs

Soobin got up and started doing the dishes as the girls went upstairs

I went over to him "This is my house and your a guest, please let me do them" I said and reached my hand for the scrubber

"Its fine, I got it" He said with a smile "No seriously, go to bed, I got this one, you made dinner" I said "Lia, look at me" He said and I froze, what?

I slowly looked at him and he was looking at me in the eyes "I got it" he said then gave me the most cutest eye smile

"Uh....yeah, Um, sure...thanks" I said walking off with a quiet laugh

Narrator's POV
Lia walked away and she went to the balcony cause she still had stuff on her mind

Soobin got done and was about to head upstairs but then he was Lia

He went to Lia and saw her eyes teary "Is this because I didn't let you clean?" He said with a flirty smile trying to make her laugh "No" she said with a laugh at the end, so it worked

"Im here because theres so much on my mind and I don't have anyone to talk to because if I talk to my mom it would make me stress out even more because its about her" Lia said and Soobin looked at her with worry

"You can talk to me, I feel the same" Soobin said as he went next to her and leaned against the railing looking out on the view

"Well, can I trust you" she said "Its up to you" Soobin said and she thought about it

"Okay, ever since I heard that we were coming here I got really nervous because my mind went to my family, my sister is in college, my dad left me but he's still my dad, Im still worried, no then my mom, Im scared they'll get hurt" She said starting to tear up

"I dont want them dying and it being my fault cause I..." She said and tried to continue but couldn't cause she was crying "...cause I couldn't save them" Lia said her voice cracking from the tears

Soobin pulled her into a hug and rested his head on hers

"Its gonna be okay, they'll be fine, I believe in you" He said "I believe in me to but even tho we saved the other earth there were still people who died before we did" Lia said

Soobin pulled away and grabbed her face then looked in her eyes "It will be okay, I promise" Soobin said and Lia began to cry more, she hugged him really tight

Shes was really happy she had someone she could trust

Sorry its short 💕

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