Chapter Five

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I sat in the diner with Agent Diablo. I watched as he ate the pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage on his plate. It looked as if he's haven't had a meal like that in years.  The waiter came in with my plate, but I just continued to stare at him. He stopped eating and paused for a moment. He looked up at me.

''What do you want,'' I asked, a little annoyed. It seemed like he was playing mind games with me, and it ticked me off.

''Nothing,'' he said plainly, and continued eating. I looked at him bewildered.

''Your not serious are you,'' I asked sternly.'' You just blew your career on me and you expect for me to think that you want nothing.'' I rolled my eyes and looked at my food. I was still hungry, but I didn't want to eat until I got some answers.

He sighed and looked at me. ''Whats your name kid,'' he asked, trying to change the subject.

I looked at him stupidly. I wanted to punch him, but once I thought about things he was the only person I had at the moment.

He held out his hand.'' Call me Diablo,'' he said, as if he was amused by something.

I decided to take his hand. ''Shelly,'' I said a little nervously.

''That's a start,'' he said. ''Now, you should eat your food,'' he said looking at the waitress at the telephone starring at them. She came back when she realized she had been caught starring at them.

''Can I get ya'll anything else,'' she asked in a country accent. She looked at me and looked down at my neckless. ''Fine neckless you got there, where did ya get it,'' she asked as if she was trying to stall us.

I tilted my head at her. I looked from Diablo back to her. ''I think we have to get going,'' Diablo said looking at the clock on the wall behind him. When he stood up the lady started talking fast about how there special was going to be awesome and we should stay for a few more minutes.

I started feeling nervous when I heard the television call my name. They said every little detail about me. They said about how i'd been in a couple shoot outs and how wanted I was. But the big thing was I wasn't wanted for the shoot outs. The thing that made me the most nervous tho was what they said about my neckless.

''It's the key to the world of power,'' she started. ''Anyone who enters the new world would be immortal and would be able to control an entire army. This could lead to a monarchy of the entire earth,'' she said before a man turned off the T.V looking at me.

More got up an turned around to face me. I looked at the key on my neck. I slowly took it off and put it in one of my cargo pockets imagining the fact of people grabbing at my throat.

A man in the middle of the crowd pulled out a hand gun and aimed it for me. Diablo was quick with his drawing and shot him in the forehead. Before more could pull theirs out, Diablo threw me and himself behind the counter. I landed on the floor and looked up. The man who had turned of the T.V was grabbing his shotgun and was ready to aim in at my head.

Diablo shot him at least five times in the chest which made him throw the shotgun in the air shooting multiple people. Bullets sprayed the once purple counter we were behind. Diablo grabbed the shotgun and slid his hand gun to me.

I looked at it stunned. ''You cant be serious ,'' I yelled back at him.

He jumped up and shot of a couple of the shotgun shells. He looked back at me. ''More serious than a heart attack child.''

When some of the shooting died down I stood up. A man looked at me and aimed his gun. I threw Diablo's gun at him hitting him in the head, knocking him out clean. I got back down and looked at Diablo. ''I got one,'' I said excitedly.

He looked at me and shook his head. He shot a couple more shot of his shotgun and looked back at me. ''Got eight left,'' He said looking at the shot gun. ''We're going to have to go out the back.'' I nodded my head.

We crawled to the end of the counter and waited for the shooting to stop. ''I think we got them,'' A man said a little dumbly.

''Yea,'' another replied. Other's cheered a little.

''Now,''Diablo said pushing me to the door. He shot two people in our way with one bullet. The men were startled and shocked as we left out the back. ''Up that way,'' Diablo said motioning toward a dumpster with a wall behind it.

When I was almost over one of the men came out and shot Diablo in the back of his right shoulder. He pushed me over the wall and turned around the man shot him in his leg this time.

''Put your gun down,'' the man said as he approached Diablo. He kicked the gun away.'' Where's the girl going,'' he asked.

Diablo laughed and the man hit him with the back of his gun, knocking him out clean. Two more men came out. ''Take him to the Pier. We'll get our answer's there. I'm sure the cops are coming so lets go.''

''Which boat,'' One of them asked. ''Boat 87,'' He replied.

I got on the wall and looked over. They dragged him to the end of an alleyway where a car picked them up. I jumped back over the wall and picked up Diablo's phone and glasses.

I looked threw his phone a text message appeared. It said I'm on my way. I called the number and a woman answered.

''Hello,'' she answered sternly.

''Hello,'' I replied a little shaky.

''Who is this and what are you doing with my brothers phone,'' she asked quickly.

I stuttered out my name and she sounded a bit relieved.

''The little girl who he's helping she replied. Well where's he at,'' she asked.

I choked for a second. ''He's been abducted,'' I replied thinking it was the right word.

I heard the car she was in speed up and then the line went dead.

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