Chapter One

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I woke up from the dumpster I had been sleeping behind. It was the six a.m and the sun was about to come up. I went to the back of the bakery were the woman always gave me bread and juice to eat every morning.

She came outside and gave me her wide smile like every morning. ''Morning Shelly,'' she said handing me the bread and bottle. ''How are you this warm summer morning.''

I smiled but still didn't say anything.

''Still quiet,'' she smiled again. ''If you need anything just stop by and i'll help you out.'' With that she winked and went back inside.

I looked around the dim alley way. I was only fifteen and I was living on the streets. My mother had died from cancer and my father abandoned us when I was eight. The child service came to pick me up and I ran away. I've been on the street for almost six months and alot of people's been helping me out. Tho the government was strict the most someone could do for me was give me food and clothing. If they took me in, they would be punished, severely. I remembered going to school and all my old friends.

I shook off the memories and walked to the end of the alleyway. I waited for the undercover patrol car to go past. I knew it was the child services looking for me because I seen that man and woman take one of my friends away. She, like me, had no family left either, so she was forced to be taken away.

There were rumors about the government people. Ones that would make you shiver to your spine when you heard them. But the main one was when your taken away, no one that you ever knew see's you again.

I knew almost everyone in the small part of the city. No one would tell on me if the people ever asked if they seen me.

I looked down at the key on my neck. My mother had given it to me before she died. She told me what ever happens, don't let anyone take it or lose it. I nodded dumbly as if she was telling me that at the moment.

When the car past, I ran to the parking lot across the street from the alley. From there I made my way threw the apartment buildings to the open field that led to school. I sat down thinking of all the good times I had and all the teachers. I was a straight A student to. I smiled to myself when I heard a voice from behind me.

''Shelly!'' The girl called hugging me and falling over me before I realized who she was.

''Talana,'' I called jumping on top of her.

We laughed and chatted for a while.

Talana was my best friend and still is. She gave me close and was there anytime I needed someone to talk to. She told me about how the people kept on coming to the school and asking if I was there. She also told me about how they threatened the teachers if they were holding out.

''Good thing I didn't come back,'' I said gulping.

Talana looked at me dead on in the eye's. ''You have to go,'' She said quickly.

''Why, whats up,'' I asked, not understanding the subject.

''I almost for got the people were following me earlier,'' she said standing up. ''I lost them but I think they might catch up soon. They know most of my routes I take everyday.''

I nodded feeling a little sad that my friend had to go. She hugged me and told me to stay safe before turning and running towards the school. I stood there ready to cry when she turned around on the top step of the school. Then she disappeared.

I turned around and almost lost my breath. The woman and the man were standing behind me and was smirking in there suits. I turned around to run but two more were there to. I tried to run past them but they lifted me in the air and slammed me on my cheek.

That was the last thing I remembered before falling into a deep sleep.

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