Chapter Eighteen

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It was night before Maria had finished up with me. I still felt everything tho. No one said anything tho, even Shay.

''What are we doing tonight,'' I asked Maria when she came back with a pair of casual cloth. She looked at me.

''Nothing much,'' She started. ''We're just going to talk about things you need to do and things like that.''

''Would Nia have really killed me,'' I asked randomly, my eyes darting to the ground. Maria sighed as layed the cloth down.

''From what I was hearing, Shay was tempting her to,'' Maria replied. ''All you had to do was take Shay out of the fight and everything would have been over early,'' Maria's voice rose then went down for awhile. I could tell she was upset by the events that took place.

''I'm sorry,'' I said shyly. I knew it was what Maria needed to hear but it wasn't going to do much. ''Maria,'' I asked. She looked up at me. Once I realized it, it look like she hasn't slept in days. ''Are you OK,'' I asked, even tho Shay told me not to before.

She looked at me and smiled. ''Why wouldn't I be,'' She asked, her voice changing to mellow all of a sudden. I looked at her.

''It just seems like your hiding something, that's all,'' I answered fidgeting with my hands. She looked at her feet then back up chuckling.

''Some things are meant to be kept untold,'' she replied. I nodded understanding. ''Are you ready to go though,'' She asked. I nodded and we walked out.

Everyone was in Nia's room just talking at the table. We sat down and everyone smiled.

''How you feeling,'' Nia asked. I looked at her, not knowing weather to be mad, glad, or scared.

''Like shit,'' Shay said for me.

''Your fault,'' Nia said looking in Shay's eyes then rolling hers.

''Any plans right now,'' Diablo butted in the tension. Everyone looked around the table at each other.

''Was there ever an actual plan,'' Nero asked. ''I mean like long term like finding out what that key is actually for.'' Everyone nodded.

''We dont know where to go though,'' Nia said looking at everyone.

''I do,'' I said looking around.

''Sure you want to do this,'' Shay asked.

''-Yea-'' I said in my head but not directed at Shay.

''Middle of the African Desert,'' I said aloud. ''Caesar told me.''

Everyone looked at me. It was quiet for  a minute before Donovan spoke.

''Ok,'' he started. ''Now we got a plan. Can when can we put it into action.''

''We'll prepare for the rest of the week,'' Nia said. ''We'll come up with an easier way to get out there and be back asap.

''I like the way the world is right now.. Er before all of this,'' I said softly looking at the table. ''I mean I love you guys, just don't want to be getting chased around for a piece of jewelry, you know,'' I said, looking up to see their reactions. It seemed like they all agreed.

''OK,'' Nia stood up. ''No world destruction shit. We just go there, see what it does and what we can get that wont cost us much, and we get back to the safe house in Florida. Sounds simple and the place should be back up by then.'' Everyone nodded and stood up. ''We get ready and plan tomorrow,'' Nia said, also saying her good nights and leaving.

We all left out after our good nights and headed to our rooms. I turned down the hallway to my room and I felt someone watching me. I turned around and was ready to kill Maria.

''Sorry,'' She said with her big brown eye's in my face. ''I was going to come sleep in your room, if you'd like,'' she said.

I was about  to object, but there was something in her eyes that let me say yes.

We went back to my room and I got into my night cloth. When I came out Maria was already asleep on the other bed.

''-She'll tell you soon Shell's-'' Shay's voice came into play randomly again.

''Why are you so quiet,'' I asked Shay in my head.

''Do you think I'm loud all the time,'' she asked as if to be hurt. ''But hey, wanna know something cool.,'' She asked me happily. ''If we can get to the place where the key belong, we're going to be two completely different people, know what I'm saying. But we'll still read each others minds tho.''

''What ever,'' I said annoyed. I was still excited that there would be two of me tho.

''Dont be like that you little fake,'' Shay and I laughed. I turned over ready for sleep.

I was almost asleep when ever I heard Maria panting. They were heavy pants and I got a little nervous as I sat up in the lighted dark. I looked over to her and walked to the end of her bed.

I tapped Maria but she shrugged it off. I started rocking her to make her wake up.

''Get off me Caesar I cant leave them,'' She yelled grabbing me by the neck. Her grip was increasing as I scratched her arm. When she realized it was me, she dropped me stunned. I fell to the floor trying to catch my breath.

''Im sorry,'' Maria said pulling me into her bed and hugging me tightly.

''Don't worry about it,'' I said trying to get my ribs loose. When I got up to get off her bed, she pulled me back down. When I looked down at her, I could see her apologetic look. ''I'm sorry, but please stay,'' she pleaded.

I barely slept with my own mother when she was here, now a 25 year old woman was asking me to sleep with her. I couldn't turn down Maria. It looked like she was going threw more than myself.

''Sure,'' I answered climbing into the covers with her. They were warm but I could feel Maria shivering.

''Maria,'' I called out but I could tell she was already asleep. I sighed and turned over, closing my eyes.

*That was a cool relaxing chapter from the action. Thanks for reading and please comment vote and ask questions because I have to go for a while. I'm starting my Trimester exams now sooooo I wont have time to write. I'll get notifications sooo I'll catch you guys and lady's later!!!*


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