Chapter Fifteen

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* 2/13/12 is the date today. Idk if I want to post just yet but this chapters going to be a little awkward. Shelly's going to put Nia and Diablo to the limit to see if she actually trust them. Thank you for sticking with me to this point and enjoy this chapter.*

When I woke up my head was pounding. The gun shots wasn't helping for anything. I Iooked around. Everything seemed so slow. I seen Diablo shooting out a window and Nia firing her hand gun out another. Grace came tumbling down the stairs. ''We're going to get overrun if we stay any longer,'' she said yelling at Diablo.

''Then we move,'' he yelled back. I looked around. We were still in Caesars place but in another room.

Maria slid next to me out of no where. ''We have to go,'' She said, rubbing my back. She knew I was awoke even tho I was face down.

''Are we,'' Grace didn't finish her sentence before a bullet came threw the window, going threw her forehead and out the back. Maria looked up in disbelief. Nia dropped to her knee's and started shaking Grace as if she was just sleep.

''Dammit,'' Diablo muttered taking a graze to his shoulder not trying to look at Grace. ''Donovan's out of ammo,''  Thilia tumbled down the steps and stopped in her tracks when she seen Grace's body. She tried to say something but said nothing, falling to her knee's. Diablo seemed to be the only one in action. 

I didn't die yet but now I was definitly about to. I struggled just to flip over on my side. A man broke down the door and Diablo shot him. ''We have to go now,'' he yelled in a stern voice, catching every ones attention.

Nia was the first to stand up. ''Lets go whoop some fucking ass,'' she said whiping her eyes before a tear actually came out.  Everyone gathered their wits instantly when she said that. More gun fire joined Diablo's, but this time it sounded like the people out side was recieving the assault.

''I gotcha,'' Maria said picking me up and almost dropping me when she heard my groans. ''Sorry,'' she said pulling out her pistol. ''On your mark Diablo,'' she said.  Diablo nodded and went near the door. Everyone stacked up behind him or on the other side. He looked back at Grace's body.

''Rest in peace,'' he said lighting a match. He threw it on a table and a fire started to build slowly. ''Wait for my sign,'' he said looking at Maria. He nodded Nia and Thilia. They  went out the house shooting.

''We're like our own little army huh,'' Maria asked threw watery eyes shaking me awake.I tried to nodd but felt something come up and out my mouth. It was a combination of red and yellow. I was to dizzy to even think, let alone talk. ''It'll be OK,'' Maria said rubbing my back.

''Don't lie to me,'' I said threw a cold mutter. Least I knew I could talk.

''Shelly,'' she started. ''Your like unkillable,'' Maria said trying to keep me talking.

''Why do yall care about me so much,'' I asked feeling my self sway on Maria. ''

Because your family now,'' She replied trying to look at me. ''Why would you ask that,'' she sounded hurt. I ignored the question.

''So if I die then what are you guys going to do,'' I asked watching the world spin in front of me.

''Your not going to die Shelly,'' She said coolly.

''But what if I do,'' I wanted to shout. My head started pounding harder. I could feel the wetness of my shirt on my shoulder. I was heavy. I wasn't scared of dying right now I just wanted to know what would happen.

''Don't make me answer it,'' Maria said in a shaky voice. ''I like to think I'm not going to lose any more family.'' I made a low growl and she knew that this wasn't going to be the end of the conversation. Maria checked her ear piece and lifted me higher. ''Time to go,'' she whispered. We walked out, my arm on her shoulder and her supporting my weight.

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