Chapter Seven

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*OK so that last chapter got a little crazy, lol, but i think most of the rest will to considering that most of the U.S knows your face and well, your wanted. We'll get to know more about the energetic Nia and her path along with Diablo's. Enjoy this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks!!!*


I woke up to the sound of laughter. I sat up on the giant circle white bed I had been laying on. I looked around. The place looked as if it could have belonged to a rich woman living in a condo. I looked out of the window that seem like I could have seen the entire city.

''Florida,'' I managed to say out. The view was high and there were other little buildings below me. I heard to men laugh out loud and snap me from my view of the city. I crept up on the door and creaked it open. I looked out and seen Diablo in one corner of the large room with four other men. Nia was in the other corner with three other woman.

''Didn't know you can drive backwards like that Ni Ni,'' The first woman with the red hair spoke.

''I know right,'' the woman with brunette hair was next to her.

''Girls, girls you know you have to be able to drive with me around, especially backwards,'' The one with blond hair next to Nia said. Everyone was starring at the one hundred forty inch television that showed the news. Everyone laughed when it showed the part of Nia sticking her middle fingers up at the chopper.

It would have seemed like normal people hanging out except they were laughing at stuff blowing up and cars crashing into each other. Next  it showed Diablo blowing up multiple cars with his launcher. The guys started high fiving each other and complimenting Diablo.

''Wooo bro didn't know you had it in you,'' the average looking man said.

''Yea, you would think he lost his touch after all those years of working with cops,'' another with a tribal haircut said.

''Shut up,'' Diablo laughed pushing the two.

I walked out of the room. I walked down the short corridor that led into the huge room. I stepped down a short step and looked around at what I thought was the living room. The woman with the red hair was the first to notice me

''Awww she's so pretty,'' She said running up to me and giving me approving looks. I looked down and realized I was wearing a two piece purple pajama suit. It had gun logos all over it. I blushed a little which seemed to be a big mistake.

''Awwww,'' the woman squealed. ''She blushed at me.'' The woman picked me up and held me in a tight hug. She started spinning me around and finally put me down. Everyone let out a little chuckle at the confused look on my face. ''Whats your name sweetie,'' She asked with a pleasurable look in her eyes crouching down looking at me.

''Sha..Sha..Shelly,'' I stuttered out. She squealed and reached out for me again. I tried to run for Diablo before she snatched me into another hug.

''What a pretty name,'' she squealed. ''Whats your last name,'' she asked excitedly squeezing me tighter.

''Monaquerra,'' I said before my eyes popped out of my head. (Mona-cure-a is how you pronounce it)

Her hugging stopped instantly and she looked me up and down with puppy eyes. She looked back at Nia a little shoken. It seemed like everything around me had stopped. Nia and Diablo's smiles weird off and they looked at me shocked. Nia looked at Diablo and he managed to look at her before the red head broke the silence.

''I thought it was just you two left from your family,'' the red head asked.

Diablo looked at me as if I were a ghost.

''It is,'' He and Nia said at the same time. There was dead silence around everyone for about five minutes before the red head stood up. She grabbed my arm and brought me to Diablo and Nia who managed to make there way next to each other. She stood me next to them and backed away. After a moment she started jumping up and down.

''Family reunion,'' she laughed.

While everyone was talking to each other Diablo looked down at me. ''Whats your parents names,'' he asked in a whisper.

''Nina and Titus,'' I answered confusingly.

''Sister,'' he said sounding as if he was about to cry and gave me a hug. Nia followed in with tears running down her face. ''Everyone was dead,'' she said as if she was shocked. I returned the hug realizing that i've met my long lost family members. We hugged for what seemed like another twenty minutes.

When we were done everyone seemed to be in the hallways. Nia and Diablo walked me out and we walked around most of the building. I met what seemed like everyone in the building.  Everyone seemed to know that I was their long lost sister and congratulated them.

''You friend Maria has one giant mouth,'' Diablo joked in a shaky voice.

''You liked her,'' Nia said retaliating. Diablo opened his mouth but shut it in defeat.

''What happened,'' I asked a little confused.

''Well,''  Diablo started. We were on a mission, as in me Maria and Nia...''

''No I mean with our family,'' I asked curiously.

''Ohhhh, I'll tell you when we get back to the condo,'' he said. I nodded my head understanding it was private. We walked a couple more minutes before we turned into a long corrider. At the other end was Maria and the other people from condo.

Maria dropped everything she was doing and looked at me. Our eyes met for just a second before she charged at me. I knew I wasn't going to get away but I had to try. I turned around to run but tripped over a foot. I looked up to Nia while I was sitting on my knees.

''Welcome to the family,'' she said as her and Diablo backed away for the vicious hug that was about to come.

Maria's speed kept on picking up and I was to scared to move as I watched her approach. She had the same type of body as Nia but was a little more bigger. She didn't come close to stopping when she reached me. She wrapped her arms around me and she rolled over me. We rolled about five times before she lost her grip. I was on my knees trying desperately to get away before she snatched me back into her arms. She started shaking me like a rag doll and I gasped for air. I swear I could hear my ribs and spine cracking. She was to strong to be hugging someone like me.

When she was done I could barely stand. I couldn't say nothing or do anything. I could just look around at all the smiling faces. I felt like I was going to cry as I hunched over when I stood.

''Awww her back hurts Ni Ni, ill carry her,'' Maria said in a sad voice. Maria slung me over her shoulder before I could object and we started back to the condo. The crowd was in front talking to Nia and Diablo was in back of us. I looked at him with pleading eyes but all he did was wink at me. I clenched my jaw as we walked up the steps to the elevator.

We were on the 87th floor in no time and we all piled out. We walked/was carried to Nia's condo and walked in. Everyone started to talk as Nia turned on the television. I was exhausted from the hug alone. The walking we did before was just horrible.

''Goodnight,'' I mumbled to Nia and Diablo so that Maria wouldn't hear. They both looked at Maria then at me. I instantly knew what they were thinking. ''No, please,'' I pleaded. They both laughed and gave me a small hug. It didn't hurt like Maria's but I preferred it from them.

Good Night sis,'' Nia turned away and went back into the crowd. 

Diablo walked me the room I had awoke in. ''I'll fill you in with everything tomorrow,'' he said smiling and giving me another hug. I nodded and returned it.

I walked into the room and curled into a ball on the bed. I slowly was swept away into my dreams of my past.

*So lol tell me what you think about this chapter lol. You'll get to know the rest of the group in the next chapter and what actually happened to the  Monaquerra family.  But hey, there's still alot more action to come so don't think that I forgot about what type of book I'm writing, lol. :p.   P.S Don't forget to comment and vote!!! thanks!!!*


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