Chapter Thirteen

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I walked around downstairs for a minute. Everyone was rushing around me and a couple people said there hi's and goodbye's to me. I nodded my head to them and continued walking to find Maria. I seen Thilia and Grace helping some people pack luggage onto a truck outside.

''What's up,'' Grace asked as she lifted a heavy load onto the truck and turned to me.

''I'm looking for Maria,'' I told her looking around.

''She's in the back near the pool talking to Caesar,'' she said turning back around and receiving another heavy load. I nodded and turned around.

When I went back to the pool I stopped near the door. I looked down and seen Maria's gun. I knew it was her gun because it had a single green swirl line on the side. There were two more. One brown handgun that I've seen Caesar carrying before and a silver one. I picked them up.  I looked around and moved to the door closely. I looked threw the glass and seen Maria and Caesar being held at gun point by twelve different people. Maria looked at the ground as Caesar stood tall.

''Where's le girl,'' The mans french accent ran threw my head.

''-There french, in America?!-'' I asked myself in confusion. 

''We don't know,'' Caesar said, as if he was annoyed.

''Zon't fucking lie to me now,'' the french man said  advancing onto Caesar. He punched him in the gut and Maria screamed. I thought she was the one being punched. ''She'z here somewhere,'' he said pushing Caesar to the ground and aiming the gun at him.

I had to think quick. Before I could actually think I was out there shooting.

''Zaa she is,'' I heard one of them yell excitedly.

I almost tripped and laughed at him before the bullets started flying back at me. I dived behind a counter top and stayed there. They forgot about Maria and Caesar who snuck all the way around and made their way to me. I gave them their gun and they smiled at me. The bullets started hitting the table we  were behind and some came threw.

Caesar and Maria started shooting  back at them. The Frenchies had silencers on there guns and at first made it hard to pin point there locations.  We just had to hold them off for at least five minutes after the shots went off before our back up came, which would easily crush them.

I happened to look down at my leg as I reached for a clip. There was a red beam on it. ''Uh-oh,'' I managed to say before the snipers bullet pierced my leg. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I rolled on the ground holding my leg. Everything around me seemed quiet. Caesar grabbed me by my collar and now we were behind another table away from the sniper but still taking fire. When everything came back to normal I felt even more pain. I screamed and rolled to my back holding my leg.

Maria tried to look at it but I was rolling to much. ''Hold still,'' she said in a rough panicked voice. The fact was proven that if you had been hurt somewhere you had to move or it'll just hurt worse. I continued to roll and she stopped me a couple of times to have one good look. ''The bullets lodged,'' she called to Caesar looking back.

''Advance,'' We heard the French leader call. Some of the fire stopped and we heard foot steps. I couldn't believe I was going to die in a place full of people who would die for me and none of them were around to save me.

Apparently Maria and Caesar was out of ammo because the French leader, I suppose. Was starring down in my face while Maria kept on trying to get the bullet out. She hadn't noticed him tho. He raised  his gun at her and I kicked her back with my leg that had been shot. He missed and before he could pull of another shot. Dozens of bullets pierced his team and him. I screamed in pain as my leg stung more than ever.  The first person next to me, other than Maria was Diablo.

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