It's better that way

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I sighed "What do you want?" I said annoyed, one thing is seeing Eustass-ya and another is seeing this asshole

"Since I saw your boyfriend leave early I thought...why not say hello to my little friend Law" he smirked, I glared

"First of all Eustass-ya isn't my boyfriend, second of all I'm in no need to see your ugly mug, so good bye" I walked passed him trying to walk away as further as I could

"Well isn't someone in a bad mood, to bad but I feel like playing today" he said with a smirk grabbing my arm and dragged me to who knows were

I tried to struggle his grip, and yell things but people just glanced or ignored me, seconds later I was in the parking lot, Bellamy pushed me, giving a straight punch to my stomach, I fell onto my knees, damn it, just when I thought nothing could get worse, I felt him kick me.

"Oh lookie here" I heard a guy walking towards us, he had long blond hair with his bangs covering his eyes

"Go away, this is none of your business" I heard Bellamy say pulling my hair, I could only see the tall pale guy with an eye, since I tried to feel less pain while my hair is pulled, and my stomach In pain.

"Tsk, you know my buddy wouldn't like to see what you're doing to that guy" the blond pointed at me

"Should I care?" Bellamy smirked letting me go and kicked me right in the rib, knocking me down, I hate this feeling, the feeling of complete dominance, the feeling of weakness, I could so many things to him, but I know even if I do, I'll end up worse than were I am now.

"Oh you should..." the blond said in a serious tone taking out his phone and placing it into his ear

"Hey...there's a guy beating up that Trafalgar dude here at the parking lot...kay" he said over the phone still staring at Bellamy like if he didn't care

"The hell?" Bellamy lift a brow questioning the blond, the long blond hairded guy just gave a wide grin

The doors opened wide slamming the wall, I barely could see, but I heard Bellamy whine and run cursing things I could actually hear well. I felt footsteps walking towards me, then an arm pulling me up to sit.

"See ya later" the blond said to his friend who was now trying to stand me up


The doors closed and I leaned towards the wall behind me trying to breath, all the breath Bellamy took out of my lungs.

"Tsk, I go for a while and this happens..." 'shit' I stood up slowy

"damn it" I knew perfectly who it was, I started to try dragging my feet away from him

"Hey, hey, hey, were do you think you're going?" he stopped me I slammed his hand away

"I'm going home" I said slightly pissed off, why him of all people, why did he have to act all heroic like if I were some princess in need of some sort

"You can hate me all you want, but I'm still not giving up on you" he said tightening his hold onto my wrist, it hurt but that wasn't in my mind now

"WHY DON'T YOU GET IT, I WANT TO BE ALONE!" I said tugging my arm away until he let go

"Bullshit" he said glaring at me, why is this guy so fucking stubborn? Can he get into that small brain of his that I don't want to be with him...even if it were a stupid lie to make him stop chasing for the impossible?

"Listen, I don't care what you do, I want to be alone, I want you to stop bothering me!" I yelled enraged

" Why?" he said, I was about to say something but he cut me off

"WHY DO I HAVE TO LEAVE YOU?! WHY DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP?! Do you think its fucking easy to just throw my pride aside every day so you could say the same thing over and over again? You think it's easy for me to hear that as a response? You think it's easy to hope for something impossible? I know you like me so why don't you just say yes already" he said with a hint of hurt and disillusion I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes...I can't ....I'm sorry Eustass-ya I...can't.

"I CAN'T! Damn it... just leave me alone" I said, my heart began to thump hurtfully, a knot began to appear in my throat.

"Why?!" he grunted

"You wouldn't one does" I said trying to sound normal, but failed miserably

"Then tell me, I might understand, if you just tell me" he said with a frown

"I can''s just...impossible" I sighed

"I already know that...but we won't be able to be sure if you don't let me try"

"I...don't want to...hurt..." 'I don't want to hurt you, I'm not good enough'

"I wouldn't hurt you, please, just tell me your answer" 'yes I want to, I've always wanted to, but..."

"...I can't" I said looking at my forearm the held my stomach

"Is that your final answer?" he said seriously, I could hear a hit of disappointment

"...I'm sorry" I mumbled

"tsk, don't give me that shit" he said and walked away, leaving me alone in the parking lot, I placed my heart in my chest clenching my shirt, my heart felt like it sunk deeply, it hurt, it hurt more than I thought, ignoring him was one thing but telling him to leave me alone was painful.

But this was the best for both of us Eustass-ya, I'm not a good person, I don't disserve your affection, so please forgive me, but I can't accept your feelings as I wish I could, I wish I could be worthy of you love, but I'm not.

Were so different, were complete different poles, I'm sorry Eustass-ya, I really like you, I really do I wish I could show you, I wish I could try accepting it myself. But something's aren't meant to be like you and I were just not meant to be.

Something so impossible, that can only lead to pain for both of us, please understand this my dear red-head, if I were someone else, if I didn't live with all this that consumes me, I would gladly accept your love, I'd be happy to be with you, but that's just a wish, that will never come true.

I walked towards my bag that Bellamy made me drop, and walked away from school, finally arriving home, my feet were tired from so much dragging, no one was there thankfully, I walked up stares and threw my bad carelessly somewhere around the room. I dragged myself to my bed and flopped on.

"How can I accept you...If I can't even accept myself" I sighed letting my tears fall freely till I fell asleep


I am Verry sorry for not uploading lately shit-school has taken my soul, anyways ill update later the other fics kay~

read ya later~

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