He Knows

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GUH, finally, i'm so sorry, i wont go i to detail, you guys know I'm busy as f, so ye, here it is~!


Kidd's POV

The most awaited day was finally here, I texted Trafalgar early in the morning telling him where and when we'll meet up, and honestly that was strange, I'm not a morning person as you can tell, but hell, I could barely get some shuteye from excitement the was boiling inside me.

The pit of my stomach was rumbling with anticipation, I could almost feel every nerve in my body, inside my head was a total wreck all I could do was picture every part of the day in my head, something hopeless since my brain is mostly selective and does what it wants.

I have never been so god damned nervous about going out with someone, I hate every bit of it, I feel the adrenaline run through as when I was little and first escaped the Orphanage when I was about 8, though that ended terribly bad.

I felt my phone buzz next to me, I finally snapped out of the nostalgic memories of my past, not like there were all good ones, I grabbed my phone seeing that I received a text.

'Very well I'll see you soon then, I feel rather thrilled about this encounter, it's not very often I get invited on a date' "Shitty-Trafalgar"

Just reading that I could feel a stupid smile curl up my lips, stupid Trafalgar I bet he's wearing that annoying self sufficient smirk that usually pisses me off, saying shit like that, Does he realize how badly my sex drive increases? Does he want me to jump him? Because if that's so, I have no intention on holding back his seductive remarks.

I heard a knock on my door, making me glance at whom was the asshole distracting me from my fantasies that barely started to take form in my head. He was leaning against my door wearing a tank top and his ugly spotted pajama pants, not that my yellow print ones are any better...we should really stop relying on Bonney to buy clothes for us.

"May I know why are you still sitting there looking at your phone like an idiot?...No wait idiot falls in too short" he said looking at me poorly, his blonde hair tied in a pony tail, and bangs covering his eyes, but still a hint of blue stared apathetically for an answer

"...I have no fucking idea what I'm going to do" I simply answered ignoring his offensive comment

"Just take him around and pay for food and stuff it isn't that hard" simple for him to say he's been dating penguin for months

"What am I going to wear? What if it rains? And if he gets tired? Or worse if he gets bored" I glared at my blonde friend whom stood at the door with a soda can in hand

"Dude! Chill, This isn't your firs rodeo; you've had tons of dates I don't get why you're stressing so much"

"Because! ...It's different now" I felt completely stupid at the moment that escaped my mouth, I will never live out this day

"You're so damn corny" he scoffed taking a sip of his can

"It's not being corny trying to impress someone"

"Kidd, Listen to yourself, since when have you ever tried to impress someone? You who never gave a damn about people's opinions" he seemed rather annoyed about this, something I didn't really understand, what's so bad about changing for the better?

"I can't be an ignorant brat all my life, People change Killer, like you did...when you met Penguin, you were so much more different than now" I pointed out smirking at every reaction he made "You use to think falling in love and share a life with someone was a waste of time, and now you can't live without at least hearing his voice 5 times a day"

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