They Know

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I entered the classroom already emotionally drained; I walked towards a familiar blonde, who seemed into his own little world which was very strange, considering that he wasn't flirting with any girl in the class room.

"Good afternoon Kuroashi-ya"

"Hey" the blonde greeted back

"TORAO~!" Mugiwara yelled happily

"Good Morning Mugiwara-ya" I sat in my seat


"It depends on what exactly you mean" I stared questioningly at the monkey boy who didn't stop smiling

"You and Kidd! Is it true you two are going out?!" he shouted exited

"It is" I smiled weakly

"YAY!" he cheered

"Oh really? How come I wasn't aware of this?" the blonde stared sheepishly

"It really just happened" I simply shrugged

"Still, I want details"

"Maybe later, where there's not a teacher trying to glare holes at us" I said pointing at the teacher who glared at us


"IT'S KUROASHI YOU SHITTY OLDMAN!" Sanji yelled annoyed


"Tsk" the blonde simply sat back into his seat giving a stressful sigh

"You shouldn't let your anger show"

"I'm not like you...I can't bottle things up till it haunts me"

"I guess so..." I smiled

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that" he sighed

"Its fine" he was right...I'm so use to hiding my feelings that in the end I don't know what to do

I was dragged out of the school building to the wooden tables that decorated outside, I was sat down next to Nami and Robin, as Mugiwara smiled running towards us with plates of food which were most likely for him.

"Oe we should have a party!" Mugiwara-ya stated

"For?" Zoro asked bored

"For Kiddy and Torao!" he cheered but I felt like I choked on air

"I find that highly unnecessary" I tried to say

"But we have too! You're Nakama!" Mugiwara pointed at me with a half eaten chicken drumstick

"I don't remember that ever happening" I said seriously

"Just let him, he's not going to let it go unless you let him" Nami sighed


"I'll ask Kiddy!" Luffy jumped off the table and ran into the school building

"Mugi...ah never mind" I gave up

"I'll prepare a feast" smiled the blond taking out a notebook of resapies

"I'll get the booze" smiled Roronoa

"You drunk-wad" scoffed Sanji

"You said something shit-cook?" Scowled back the swordsman

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