Eustass Kidd

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(Law's POV)

"Go out with me!" I heard, it wasn't a romantic offer or a question it was an order, and if he knew well I hate to be told what to do, I sighed for the umpteenth time in the day, and I closed my locker shut, glancing at the tall figure a few feet away from me.

This happened every time he got a chance, ever since I got to this school, he's been trying to ask me out, well not ask but to force me to date him, Who? His name is Eustass Kidd, a popular mechanics student slash football player.

Yes he's in those categories, Jock and a complete bully, still he goes on and on yelling that he wants me and that he's going to do whatever it takes to make me like him, all that cliché stuff, which I am not the sentimental person for ridicules emotions for companionship.

Why is he doing this? I don't know nor I care, I have no time to deal with him or his annoying ways of confessing his feelings, even though I try to ignore him to just erase the thoughts in my mind of his existence...its technically impossible.

And this is a problem that consumes me, even throughout this cold expression of mind I like him, I like the way he tries to tame me, his harsh and cold way of showing affection is amusing but still were completely different people.

And I can't let his immature way of conquering me get its way, even if it meant lying to myself over these feelings that debate with who I intend to show to be, lying to myself that I don't like him, that I always await for him to appear and say something completely stupid to make me accept his petition.

I stood there looking at his serious expression with his deadly glare looking right at my person, how romantic is that? I smirked at the thought; I looked at him with no expression what so ever, our eyes meeting.

Eustass-ya was tall like a feet in a half taller than me I was average not too tall nor too short, his flaming red hair brushed up being held by some goggles he used covering his forehead, his green intimidating glare looking at me like if it were able to burn me, too me...he was... perfect.

But we weren't meant to be, we would never be a term for existent in our life, because we can't exist, I'm not able to show or express my feelings, I'm not able to endure disillusion, I'm not good enough.

The bell rang letting us understand that lunch was over, and I was glad it was, flicked my tongue making a 'tsk' sound and rolled my eyes starting to walk I always did.

"OE!" I heard him yell, he always hated me ignoring him still he was always back knowing that was what I was going to obviously do.

"I'm not giving up!" 'You should'

"You'll accept! You'll see!" he yelled again 'I'm not'

"I'll make you love me!" '...I already do'

"You'll see..." his voice faded 'I'm sorry'

This always happened; he always said things that hurt me in the end, still I knew he was going to return trying all over again, how could I've endure all this? Easy... not having feelings, being a cold, unexpressive person...being no one too those who surround you.

But even if that was what I wanted, to be non-existent in this pity death hole place called school, I was everybody's source of amusement, they all gathered near me to see what Eustass-ya might try to do next, I was already 'the devils impossible conquest' or something.

Which I who hates being the center of attention hated the idea, but it was true I the impossible conquest of the bad-boy in school, who feared him respected him or just prefer to be as many feet away from him.

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