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Law'a POV

We were finally far from danger or so I hoped, we went to plaza filled with people, suggested by me, Eustass-ya didn't seem too fond of the crowded place, which made me think it wasn't such a good idea.

"So Eustass-ya, I've been wondering for a while" I decided to break the ice

"Hm?" his attention was finally on me and not scowling at people around us

"What exactly made you go after me?" I asked simply

"Ah" he choked

"Are you ok?" I stared at his strange behavior

"Y-yah, I'm fine" he coughed, clearing his throat

"And well?"

"What's it to ya?" he growled animal like

"Well I'm simply curious to know what my 'boyfriend' likes about me" I put emphasis in the word, making him cough some more

"I..uh, um dunno" he shrugged taking his can trying to look away

"Well make something up"

"Tsk....you're so..." he clinched his teeth, but as soon as he looked at me he sighed "Everything"

"Excuse me?" I tried to make sure I was hearing right

"Everything! Fuck, I don't know what I do or don't like about you"

"I see...I didn't expect you to be such a romantic Eustass-ya" I scoffed

"Shut up" he turned his head away annoyed, I smiled pleased

We walked around and had small talks here and there; the day was already ending so we headed to the station, the night wind shook the trees, making me shiver in delight, I enjoyed the cold very much, the South is much colder than this since it's close to the Drum Mountains.

We finally arrived in front of the train station, with a sigh I turned to look at Eustass-ya who simply stood there like a body guard, I'm pretty sure people were thinking I was about to get mugged.

"Well I guess this is my stop" I said waiting


"It was...fun"

"Good" he smiled pleased (this idiot...)

(Train to the NorthB, please enter in a straight line...If you want....it's not like you care anyways) the voice sighed into the speaker

"...See you soon, Bakatass-ya" I turned to walk towards the train

"Trafalgar" I stopped and turned to look at him

"This. Again....Sometime?" his cave man talk was rather sweet

"I'll think about it" I smiled, finally entering the train

(Kidd at the moment)

The door opened slowly showing a soulless red head, dead tired or so, his blonde friend who laid on the couch with phone on had most likely testing with his Penguin lover, he stared at his best friend for a while before asking.

"How did the date go?" asked not really interested

"I...forgot" he said with a dark cloud over him

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