Was I a joke? Or was you're love never real?

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Oh mah gawd~ sorry for not posting, like Watching One Piece, Natume Yuujincho, Haikyuu! and Parasyte...plus school isnt verry a good thing for my memory. anywyas here~ PLEASE before you read this Look for ROB LUCCI and PAULI form one piece just incase you dont know them.

Im not verry good at discribing i try my best though...enjoy


Next day it was like usual I arrived at school arriving at my locker, I could feel people staring at me but I ignored like always, I opened my locker placing my things and closed it, 'he's really not coming' I thought to myself, people started murmuring things I couldn't care enough to hear.

I went to my first class and which I had with Eustass-ya, I arrived and sat on my seat, usually Eustass-ya would follow me to the class room and tried to say things I never really paid much attention to, but now it was quiet.

I would die to have but now it's just a strange uncomfortable dull silence, some student started to enter I saw Nico-ya enter and look at me strangely, she walked towards me and sat in the seat that usually Eustass-ya would sit.

"Law-san" she greeted

"Nico-ya" I said normally

"There is something odd about you; I can't quite put my finger on it" she said with a frown

"Don't know what you're talking about" I said looking at the teacher who just arrived

the other student started to enter and sitting in their placed, Nico-ya left to her usual seat near her boyfriend Franky-ya, the seat next to me was empty, the presence of the red head was no were to be found, and some people noticed that.

The teacher started to call out names to see who was and who wasn't, I was distracted looking out of the window, until I heard the teachers' voice.

"Eustass Kidd" he said I flinched glancing next to me, there was a empty spot and the teacher stared strangely at it

"How strange..." he looked back at his list writing something which it might me an absence sign, I felt a stare and saw Nico-ya looking at me, our eyes met and I could tell she knew something I dint, I turned around again, staring at nothing.

It felt so weird, not hearing his voice, not feeling his disturbing presence beside me, and it annoyed me, because how did I become so attentive of his person, but I just simply knew he wasn't there and it really bothered me.

Two classes went by and I walked towards my locker for my next class, I opened it and grabbed my notebook placing it into my bag, then I suddenly heard that voice I was eager to hear.

"Dude are you serious?"

"Shut up" I heard Eustass-ya's voice replay

"Like serious, serious?" I hear the voice of the blond yesterday say

"Leave me alone, I gotta give this to the geezer" he said with a heavy sigh

"Ok, ok~" the blond said with a chuckle

There steps passed behind me, like if I wasn't there, they kept talking like normal, and strangely...it hurt, it really hurt...I took my bag and swung it on my shoulder and went to my next class, I could see some people staring at me like they were waiting for something to happen.

But it didn't, and as strange they saw it, it felt the same to me, I walked ignoring the strange and curious stares they gave me.

I entered and walked towards my usual seat, and sighed sitting down and looking at my desk like if It were to talk to me, I then closed my eyes trying to breath normally, and opened them noticing some students walk in.

"Morning Trafalgar" I saw Paulie-ya walking towards his seat next to me with a smile, Paulie-ya was in the mechanic workshop with Franky-ya and... Eustass-ya...

He was also taller than m, dark blond hair combed back, gray V-neck and a blue jean-jacket over, dark jeans and brown boots, he was attractive and a nice guy when you didn't get in his nerves, his dark blue eyes shine as he smiled showing his teeth pressing a lollipop stick.

"Morning" I said bitter

"You ok?, you seem like your dog got ran over a truck in front of you" walked Rob Lucci-ya sitting in front of Paulie-ya, Paulie's mouth drop, with a disgusted and creped out face

Lucci-ya was a strange guy he was also into mechanics and martial arts, he was pale, with wavy long dark hart to his shoulders, his unexpressive eyes looking at me without emotion of some sort, he had a white sweatshirt and a black leather jacket, dark pants and dark gray boots.

"...that's...never mind" I shrugged it off Lucci-ya was always a strange guy, but that seriously sounded I don't know...depressing...and a bit offensive, but I let it be.

"LUCCI WHAT HE HECK!?" Paulie yelled annoyed

"What?" he said looking at the blond seriously

"YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT! WHAT IF THAT DID HAPPEN HUH? YOU RUDE SON-OF-A FUCK" Paulie-ya yelled at the brunette who didn't actually give a damn

"It's ok Paulie-ya" I said trying to calm him down, he was turning red for so much yelling

"Tsk, even so, are you ok?" Paulie looked at me worried, he somehow reminds me of Kuroashi-ya

"Yeah" I forced a small smile

"...you always so overdramatic" Lucci mumbled, but we both understood

"SHUT YOU'RE PIPE!" the blonde yelled

"Paulie, please lower you voice" theteacher said while entering his class room

Paulie blushed embarrassed lowering himself from his seat, I could see Lucci smirk, seriously these two are too much, but at least I feel better for some reason, I looked at the teacher while he started his class, I really didn't feel like attending the class and started talking to Paulie-ya and Lucci-ya.

We got to know many things about each other, I didn't know there locker numbers were a few feet away from mines, Paulie told me things Lucci have done, and Lucci just shrugged like if it didn't matter, how can stabbing a pencil in ones shoulder not matter?

Seems like Paulie and Lucci had been together since Jr. high, I could see how Lucci-ya looked at Paulie-ya I think he likes the blond but the blond can't see that, I mean it' s very obvious from what I can see. I felt Lucci's eyes glance at me seriously, I smirked.

The pale brunette just placed his finger in between his lips making a shush, I nodded, glancing at the blond who was telling us about something some guy named Tom did, I wasn't really attending but it seems like the brunet just accepted it.

Time went flying I stood up and stretched, giving a yawn and took my bag frm the grownd, Paulie and Lucci-ya waited for me the blond went ahead, and the brunette stayed next to me.

"...don't tell" I heard Lucci-ya say, I glanced at him strangely


"I assume you've noticed my affection of some sort... id prefer if you didn't interfere with my plans" he said casually

"Why would I?" I question him, I really didn't care but I understand he wanted to be sure

"...It was just a warning" he shrugged, seriously this guys a creep, but what can I say I've had thoughts of killing people I disliked when I was just 8 so what can I say about creepy.

He went towards his locker, and I went towards mine, it was already lunch time, I placed my things in and felt something strange like is something wasn't right, well it's not like today was something normal, but I felt a chill run threw my spine.

So I glanced towards the hallway and saw a familiar red-head walk closer, I could feel the people gather to me waiting for something, but then...he just pass by, I felt...disappointed...then suddenly I heard his voice.

"G-Go out with me!" he yelled, my eyes widen...my heart sunk...that...that...wasn't directed to me and it hurt, I turned to look were was that sudden confession directed to and my eyes widen... Eustass-ya...my Eustass-ya had confessed...to...Rob Lucci.

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