Love is everywhere then why cant i find you?

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I never thought people would read this, seriously I mean it I didn't think they would, I will dedicate this part to @pheonix678657 and @Ichigo_38 I'm happy you liked it hope you enjoy this chap.


Law's POV

I couldn't actually attend the class, since I pretty much knew all the material by memory, it wasn't even funny to know all the about of books I've read to just come every day to school to hear the same thing I already knew about.

It was simply a waist of my time, then again why am I still here? The answer was in fact the whole problem, I usually sat in the back because it was quite and relaxing....also the old hag wouldn't see me not giving a damn about her class.

Finally the bell had rung, and I felt like letting everybody ahead and walk out without having people stumbling and touching me just to get out. I went towards my locker to receive my thing again, but sadly I had forgotten something that I was inevitably regretting to have walked here.

I slowly glanced threw the edge of my eye to see if 'they' were there, for my relief they weren't, I sighed feeling a bit better, I really couldn't feel worse right now if I did see them...together.

I shook my head trying not to think about 'that' again I didn't have the mood to, or the strength to support it, I took my bag and left, thankfully I dint find neither Eustass-ya or Bellamy, so I rushed towards the next corner away from school.

When I finally felt secure enough I sighed tiredly and started to walk towards my home, I took another turn and looked into my pockets for my head phones, I hated to walk awkwardly around people or mostly alone.

I just liked to hear a calming tone of my favorite bands, I stopped at a red light since I needed to cross, the light turned green when I finally found my black head phones that I was so desperately looking for, I put them on and walked towards my destination.

"Stupid marimo head! Why the hell are you following me!?" Iheard before playing my tune

"I told you, I wanted to walk you home" the green headed said with an annoyed growl

"I can walk by myself thank you very much!"

"tsk, I'm trying to be romantic here, so cut me some slack will ya'"

"Romantic, huh? Don't make me laugh, some muscle head like you can't understand a single thing of romance"

"Tsk, forget it, I'm going home" Roronoa said annoyed and walked away, I noticed Sanji-ya look surprised as he noticed the green-haired guy was walking away

"Damn it...Sanji...stupid, stupid" the blond murmured to himself angrily, hitting his forehead not to hard

"Z-Zoro!" he yelled seeing the green head stop, and turned to look at him seriously

"Do you...Want to have dinner?" Sanji blushed with an annoyed expression

"Sure" Zoro smirked

By then I already had processed what was going on between those two, though I can't actually believe it myself Kuroashi-ya...with a guy? Yes I was very aware of the blonds title in school, and seeing him with a guy and reacting like a complete high school girl with her crush seemed...very...fascinating.

-time skip- The next day of school I couldn't quite hold the urge to ask so I just, walked slowly making the blond notice, he stopped and walked towards me I smirked.

"So and Roronoa-ya are?" I was about to say, but he seemed to know what I was talking about and panicked, his pale face was red as it could possibly be.

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