Meeting the Cannibal

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*begins to sweat* so Um ehehe I didn't update the day I said I would...I'M VERY SORRY! But I know you guys don't care about my lames excuses so I'll just post this right here *cries*


Law's pov

" can't be that...guy right?" I tried to say calmly but failed miserably

"Oh yeah...I'm pretty bad news huh? Sorry 'bout that, but yeah I'm that guy" he smiled shamelessly

"Tsk... he's not even nearly as bad as they say, I mean look at him, he could have a terrible feature but he acts like a girly high school teen" the blond smiled

"Oh, looks who's taking about a girly high school teen" she snickered

"SHUT-THE-HELL-UP BARTO!" the blond snapped

"YOU STARTED IT!" he yelled back

"I was trying to make him now you're a really good guy! JERK!" he turned away with a pout

"...Sorry...I'm sorry babe" the guy said walking towards the blond, grabbing a hold of his hips nuzzling onto his neck.

"" I coughed awkwardly

"OH! Right sorry" the blond moved out of Bartolomeo's grasp walking towards me "you must be starving, you did sleep long...what do you want to eat?" the blond smiled

"Anything's fine...except bread I'd appreciate if you don't bring bread" I said just glaring at the thought of that disgusting mixture of salt, fat, baking soda and yeast, the ridiculous amount of flour that denoted, even if it did have protein such as albumin and globulin to me it was just a waist of daily nourishment.

"O-Ok..." the blond twitched a brow but left, leaving me with the green hyena

"So... I heard red head dumped you..." he said normally taking me aback, making my heart clutch at being reminded about that event, hell, it really hurt when you knew that, reminding yourself again and again that, you fucked up...but it's not like I had another choice.

"I still don't believe it, I just know it's not true"

"It is...can we not-"

"C'mon Law-Senpai, you're the smarts guy in school, how could you believe such easy trick like that, I mean really how many years have it been that guy stalking you like there's no tomorrow? a year?"

"Three...three years... but still"

"Then? You think a guy would just randomly give up everything and just go? That's utter bullshit my friend" he said leaning back from his chair

"'s not like I could do anything" I smiled weakly

"You like him right?"My eyes widen in terror, I couldn't tell him, and I didn't even know this guy

"No" I blurted out without a second thought


"I'm not lying!" I yelled getting quite irritated

"Bullshit" he said seriously, so sure of what he was saying it made my blood boil, who did this guy think he was?

"I'M SERIOUS!" I yelled on top of my lungs angrily

"Then why are you crying?" he said seriously, my eyes widen I touched my face and it was true small warm drops fell through without warning

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