My Answer

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Well this is going to be really~ short cuz my computer is a bit bitchie, but well, until next time let's just hope I can update soon.
Law's POV
"Trafalgar Law...Will you go out with me?" he said looking at right at me with those amber eyes, showing so much emotion I felt like I was being dragged into them, my crystal gray ones couldn't dissimulate the shock of that question.
"I..." I didn't know what to say, I was in a complete trance, I then noticed his expression changed into a frown, something wasn't right....was he misunderstanding my reaction? What am I going to say? I can't answer yet... I'm not ready.
I small part of me, the part I tried my best to hide, was screaming an answer, that I was too scared to even hear, I didn't notice I was dozing off while Eustass-ya awaited an answer, he looked determent, even though his eyes showed he was desperate.
His amber eyes looking at me even though I was dozing off to even move, he wore a black head band on his fore head keeping the red string hairs up, his wine T-shirt peeked out of his dark varsity jacket leaving about three bottoms undone.
He was simply perfect... so popular, so strong, so caring even though he doesn't want anyone to know, I want to know him so much more than what he shows in school, I wish to understand what he thinks, I want to know what he likes what he dislikes, his hobbies.
Everything...But what I'm afraid is that, he might also what to know me, know everything and what if he finds out of many things I've tried to hide, what if I'm not what he expected? What if this ends as soon as it started?
"Are you going to answer?" I heard his voice, waking me up from the fears I've had within me, looking at him made me suddenly feel secure
"Eustass-ya... I" I started seriously, I'm going to end all this right here, and now
"LAW!" I looked startled as someone entered the room, Eustass-ya moved aside shocked
"Eh ...hello Daz-ya?" I said trying to make my heart steady from the sudden shock, he was a tall tan colored man, he had a strong appearance and a serious attitude depending on who he was dealing with.
He wore a black suit with a dark yellow tie, making him look rather menacing and funny at the same time, be he was a very kind hearted man, well he looked like he ran a marathon trying to find me, he gave a long relief sigh, and stood straight to look at me, I was resting in the infirmary bed, a bit beaten up, that wasn't a good sight and less for him.
"Is he here?" I said if emphasis in 'he' so only we knew who I was talking about
"Yes he's talking with Principal Sengoku and Dr. Koreha" he answered, but suddenly we were cut off buy a terrible fake cough for attention, we both looked at the red head that was standing awkwardly in the wall away from the door, he looked at Daz-ya and waved slowly.
"Oh you must me Eustass, the boy who saved Law" said Daz-ya leaning a hand towards the red head, who shook awkwardly
"ugh...yeah" took his hand back and looked at me
"I'm Daz Bones, assistant of Law's father" he said sternly
"Eustass Kidd, Trafalgar's..." he looked at me with that look of 'you-haven't-answered' that made my blood boil, this wasn't the time I glared, and he sighed
"friend....Trafalgar's friend " he said you could hear the hint of disappointment and even if it was because of my attitude, I felt that it stung, that only word stung so deeply I didn't know what to say anymore
Daz-ya just nodded and looked at me "Can you walk?" I nodded and moved to the corner of the bed, I looked at Eustass-ya who was in daze looking at the ground.
I walked, well if limping could be referred as to walking then yeah, Eustass-ya was a few inches behind me while Daz-ya went for the car so didn't have to limp all the way to the parking lot. As we arrived to the front of the school I could see the familiar black limousine.
I looked at Eustass-ya who looked at it in surprise, and then caught me looking his amber eyes looked at me seriously and sighed heavily, he was about to turn around, and I felt like time just suddenly stopped.
One question, one simple question, a question that decided a future, a future alone or with company, so simple yet so difficult to answer, two answers both so hard to say, one was the truth a truth so difficult to accept, the truth that was impossible, and a lie, a lie so easy to tell, but what might become of it was what scared me.
To tell the truth, and hope for eternal hope and fearless nights, or lie and lose everything but at least he'd be safe? Was I even worth it? But should I risk it?
"Eustass-ya..." I said, I didn't even notice when I had a piece of his jacket in my hand nor that I was pulling it stopping his way, he turn to look at me, I let go so he could stand in front of me, I didn't dare to look at his face at the moment.
What should I do now? I didn't think this was going to happen... I finally looked at him, he was taller, he always was, but now I noticed that I barely reached to his nose, he was pale, very pale but it suited him so well, I've never noticed he smelled so nice, it was a light juvenile sent, kind of Jock like but fresh.
I don't know how long I was just standing there in front of the school just me and Eustass-ya staring at each other, looking for answers that words couldn't express, I took a deep breath slowly so I didn't lose composure.
I slowly pressed the sole of my feet up so I could be at least be his height, I grabbed hold to his jacket and slowly closed my eyes as I closely reached to him, I could feel his breath so close to my lips, but he moved in, closing the small gap we had that interfered with that kiss.
It was a small kiss, rather fast even if I was there for about 3 to 5 minutes, our lips locked not taking it to far, I could feel his hands on my sides, while mines were on his chest, I could feel my heart beating so hard I was so sure I could even hear it.
my legs were losing support since I was ridiculously in my tiptoes, I had to pull away so I could avoid falling and making this worse, I tried to breathe and looked up at Eustass-ya who was staring at me, I felt my face heat up, and tried to look away.
"Is that...?" he asked a bit disoriented

"My answer..." I finally said, giving a small smile a real one
I then walked away and sat in the passenger seat of the limousine, I saw Eustass-ya still standing there, I could notice his face become many shades of red, I smiled, when the car started to move I then looked at my hand.
And slowly placed it onto my lips, I covered my face with both hands and felt as if I was burning inside, that was the most embarrassing thing that have ever happen to me...ever! I can't believe I let that part of me answer! I felt a stupid grin creep onto my lips, which greatly was covered by my hands.
My eyes widen...I felt a strange chill run down my spine I bit my lip, then the reason I should have decline, came back to me as a whisper. 
"What have I done" I then frowned looking at my hands worriedly.

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