Let Them Know

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The sound of knocking woke me up, from a very pleasant dream, oh I bet what you're thinking, perverts, I rubbed my eyes to clear the sight in view, I grunted and glared at the door.

"Law? You up?" I heard Penguins voice from the other side of the door

"Yeah" I yawned

"Its 5:30 you're going to be late"

"Yes, I appreciate your concern" I said with a sigh

"Coffee is ready so...I'll get going then"


"Later Law" he said walking away "BYE SENPAI!" Shachi yelled happily

"Shut up" the sound of a smack and a faint mumble made it obvious what have occurred, I finally decided to get out of bed...after spacing out for half an hour.

I went to take a quick shower and with not much care decided on a plain black T-shirt and my signature yellow and black hoodie, some jeans and converse, I rubbed my damp hair with the towel raveling the messy bed hair and uncombed mess, I shrugged and took my white hat.

Thankfully Penguin had my coffee made just as I liked it, I took a few sips before looking at the clock, 6:25, damn it takes 20 more minutes to get there, the bus gets in the next stop at 6:30, with an irritated sigh I took my bag and left.

I finally caught the bus just in time, not that I was running to get there, but it's quite a good thing to know your driver, Lady Kokoro, a drunk old lady who says to have been a model and swimmer in her years, I'm not very sure of the centuries that has occurred

"Kinda late aren't cha" the blonde old lady asked

"Very" I sighed

"Well, I don't what you to be late for school so buckle up, boy" she smiled

"No, It's ok—" I felt my heart go to my stomach I wasn't even sitting down yet

I finally arrived 10 minutes before the bell, I tumbled my way out of the bus feeling light headed, I'm somewhat grateful for not having breakfast, I gave my thanks to Lady Kokoro and walked towards the building.

I went directly to mu locker placing my things inside, rather calmly...something was missing was what I thought but the blurry view of something leaning against the locker beside me made me turn to it.

"Mornin'" I smirk appeared in those painted lips, I felt my body at ease and smiled back

"Good Morning Eustass-ya"

"I like your hair" he stated, I touched my fluff of hair realizing I didn't have my hat

"Shit" I cursed feeling my heart sink

"What? It's fine really" he assured

"No, it's not that...My hat" I looked at around

"The ugly mushroom hat?" the red head asked with a hit of disgust

"It's not ugly" I glared

"Well it's not cute either" he huffed back

"It's my hat" I reminded

"Right, where did you last have it?"

"I believe I left it at Lady-Kokoro's bus" It's how I got here

"You take the bus?" he asked surprised

"I live far, Eustass-ya" I rolled my eyes

"I can always pick you up, ya know"

"We technically live in the polar opposite of the school by far" I crossed my arms

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