Our first meeting *BartoVish*

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I'm back yay~!!! I've seen comments for me to update ( /w\) I'm glad you like this story, and~ also just to make it clear (Õw\\)/ 'I know Law is a hard headed character and has a very cold attitude though I'm tilting to the most common teen feelings, I might...maybe make another fic where there characteristics are more suitable to their real version, but not sure yet, I'll try tho.

Anyways less chatter more reading~! (also i'm sorry this story will be more of him and less of dialogues) maybe i'll make a Cavendish POV but that's up to you guys (-wo)


Bartolomeo's POV

I'll be honest I've never had a good life, I was what you could call a delinquent since birth, not that I wanted to be that way but that's the path you take when even your family hates your guts, where people judge you by your looks, and where life is just plain unfair.

I lived in a hell hole you could call home, a small shitty house, with broken wasted walls, not much to eat either, I've never knew my mother and I had to live with my father since I was 13, treating me like shit like if I was nothing but a monster, that It was my fault my mother abandoned us, that he'd be happy if someone found me dead somewhere.

So I decided to become strong to close my heart so I could never feel pain anymore, I got into fights and even nearly killed, it's not like I do anything to get into problems they just find me and makes it worse. Yes I tried suicide, yes I've did drugs, I've been in gangs, I nearly ruined my life more than it was.

Even though I had a terrible reputation I tried to stay in school, I'm not good in my studies but I try to at least be a point average, so when I was about to go into my sophomore year, problems started to happen, other gangs started to look for me.

So I decided to just drop school and look for a job, but what kind of job would they give to this 'face' even a mother couldn't love, exactly, so I just ended everything and went with my gang to a bar, it was going to be my birthday tomorrow.

But not like I wanted to celebrate the day of when my mother left me, and were my life started to become a complete hell, so I wasn't going to celebrate it was just going to be another day of my miserable life.

That aside, I walked to a street called 'Logue Town' but passed it to go straight to the bar, surely yeah I'm underage, it's not like they'll notice, thanks for the height and the face, so we passed like we weren't doing something completely illegal.

We stayed till dark, not really wanting to go back to that crappy apartment I had, surely my drunk of a father must be banging the door trying to get my attention, to curse how much he hated me then again why did he keep looking for me? I finally could live away from that old fart and he still is in my back.

Ever since I started drinking at a young age, I've become tolerant to alcohol and let's say it has nothing good about it, I just want to be able to forget I exist for just a day, I sighed drinking up my twenty fifth drink of the night.

When I finally realized I wasn't going anywhere with drinking I got up and headed out, to go home, as I walked down I felt a chill run down my spine, I stopped for a moment and realized I was back to that same street.

I tried to shake off the thought but something wasn't right, and I hate that feeling I quirked up a supposed eyebrow and looked towards that street, I didn't like it one fucking bit, but I still headed towards it.

I stopped when I started to hear voices, I kept walking hearing the voices become louder, I started to look at the apartments on that street, they all looked abandoned more than mine did, when I could finally hear the voices it had leaded me to a dead end.

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