Pain Love Confusion

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YAY! Finally~ KiddLaw is back baby!... I'm going to answer some doubts on a authors POV in Kidd side of the story, maybe I'll do one in Law's side, you guys tell me.  :D


Law's Pov

It's been a week or so since the incident in the parking lot and for my disgrace Barto-ya hasn't left my side, yes I meant disgrace because it seems like even going to the bathroom alone is dangerous, it's not like I don't appreciate his care, but.

It's too much, he takes me to school he accompany me to every class, waits for me at lunch takes me to my last classes and takes me home, I haven't been able to talk to Chopper-ya or Kaya-ya because Barto-ya scares them away.

Shachi and Penguin make fun of me because supposedly Barto-ya seem like an over-protective boyfriend, and that just gives me the most unpleasant of shivers, I appreciate all of Barto-ya's work but this has gone too far, to even violate my personal space.

Now he is inches next to me, holding my back on one shoulder, because supposedly my wounds wouldn't heal quickly by the weight of my own freaking bag, since I seem to have a few in my arm thanks to the kick of that asshole.

I was going to my next class, before lunch time, seemed like Cavendish was free today and wanted to take us to a decent place, not that I don't mind a decent meal than the possibly mutated food the cafeteria offers.

Barto-ya was by my side talking about Oda knows what, I couldn't pay enough attention having the feeling someone was eyeing me from afar, I felt an uncomfortable shiver run threw my body, I wanted to look but I had a small feeling I shouldn't.

But I would lie if I wasn't curious who might be trying to melt a hole onto my skull, we arrived at my last class of the day, Barto-ya gave a wide smile and waved as he left I took a step but stopped, this was seriously bothering me.

I closed my eyes for a moment and slowly turned to hall that had a few people, but just one of them had his eyes on me, not even turned away, my cold gray eyes were caught by those fire amber eyes burning more than it should have.

"Mister Trafalgar are you going to stand there or enter the class?" I heard a voice that snapped me out if my daze and I walked inside, my heart couldn't stop beating painfully, I sat down in my seat and just stare at the wooden table.

'What was that all about?' I sighed

Author- Kidd's version

Kidd could distinguish a small figure out of anyplace, but who wasn't small and a complete breakable twig in Kidd's eyes? Even though he knew Trafalgar Law was no twig, he knew very well Law was strong.

Beneath that small and thin composure hid a strong guy, were he knew very well Law could take out anyone, so why did he let that ass-fuck of Bellamy beat the shit out of him? That's an easy question, it wasn't because he could take him out, it was because he was scared.

Even though that's something he will never admit, thinking of that tanned skin male with his serious appearance scared is something Kidd couldn't image, well they are other emotions he'd die to see the tan male do.

Like...happy, not with a smirk or a grin neither less a that creepy ass sneer, but a genuine smile, it didn't matter how small it was or he'd kill just to see that smile on Law, Or sad...he would like to see beautiful tears flowing through those gray pearls of his, and try his best to help him smile again.

And the only thought he'd love to see, is a blush, not a red as a tomato, blush since his tanned skill would never make it that noticeable, but a light blush threw his cheeks, making him embarrassed and lower his head, looking all tsundere like, the red head felt a stupid grin coming up just thinking about it.

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