Cavendish's POV

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Well I'm going to put Cavendish's POV since I'm practically being stalked to death for it right -Ichigo_38 If you hate it blame her for it ( /;-;) I tried my best. It's going to be very short since the whole story is about Kidd and Law but I'll be murdered if I don't put this.... very sorry


Cavendish's POV

My name is Cavendish and I'm known as the 'Pirate Prince' in the daily teen magazine Supernova due to stealing young teen's hearts for my good looks and classy personality, loyal and humble what girls call perfection, not to brag but I am perfect if I do say so myself.

Long blond hair with curls at the end, ocean blue eyes, white pearl like smile, perfect tone body with porcelain pale skin, strong but a real gentleman. Many people love me for my looks, for how decent and formal I am, others for my money, but nobody knows...who I really am inside.

A monster, a blood thirsty demon and terrible person, I don't even know if I should call that side of myself a person anymore, Hakuba is what he calls himself, when I was just a child, I was what you call born in the golden crib.

By that I mean I was born with money, I live in a mansion, cars last model, yes 'cars', maids and butlers filling the house, huge pool, maze garden, even bodyguards 24/7  ever since pre-school, I could have anything I want, this is what any commoner would love as a life.

But only people who's been through this know, how terrible it be alone...always, for your parents not to care if your doing ok, for your mother to not even know if you were sick, or your father ever showing up at your tournaments.

All they cared was about money, and all I wanted was a friend, a person to care and to play with, that's when it happened, I once heard the maids talk about new things in the basement, I was never allowed to go to, but as a child you're curious.

So when it was night, and everybody went to sleep, maids and workers of the house I sneaked out of my bed, to check what were the new things inside the basement, in my mind as a child I was hoping for toys as any other child would think.

When I got there I slowly got inside the basement, dark and dusty, scary even, but I was curious and I didn't know what fear was, so I got inside without knowing that the door might close, I ignored that sign and kept walking down the small crooked stairs it had.

As I finally touched the last step I saw so many intriguing things, as any child would, I wanted to play with everything I could before they found me, and so I tried. I ran around grabbed hold to anything that looks fun.

But then as I played with a wooden horse I saw a box, shining yellow wrapping paper, I smiled as I thought it was a gift, piled up some stuff to get to the present, as I reached to it I grabbed hold and pulled It out, not knowing that what was inside was way too heavy, I slipped but by then all I felt was a pain struck right on my head, and everything went black.

I heard people talking, even ambulance sirens; I didn't know what was happing around me, until I woke up in the hospital one day.

"Oh your awake I'm glad, your parents are here, they want to see you" a nice nurse said, I smiled it would have been the first time ever to see my parents to come see for me in a hospital.

I saw a suited man walk in behind his a beautiful blond women, both stood in front of my hospital bed, glaring at me, and I smiled childishly seeing my parents.

"Mom, Da-" I stopped

"What were you thinking? Are you stupid? What kind of child are you?!" the man started with a cold and mean tone

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