The sweet present A slight hurtfull past

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'In editing process'
I am so sorry I almost don't update at all, since I dont have a Laptop anymore is kinda hard typing in my Ipod, plus the grammer errors it can cause and it pisses me off.
I also kinda got distracted drawing Zoro and Sanji in random clothes
(///wõ) sorry~
Still enough of this and let's get back to the story (T_+)
(Small Ace aperence)
Kidd's POV

'My answer' I heard him say calmly
I felt my head become in daze,
As he left towards his car, I was still in my own world, but I didnt mind him leaving, I need time to process all this.
His response kept on playing in my head like over used record player, Trafalgar really answerd.
Not only that he said yes...Trafalgar said yes, HOLY SHIT HE SAID, YES! I finally snapped out of it and gave a wide shark like smile.
I looked at the empty road where Trafalgar's car should have been, I smiled, I had to tell this to Killer I need to get all these emotions out of my sistem.
Im so happy I could punch someone so hard I wouldnt be sorry. Is that normal? (Probably)
*******time skip to Killer*****
I went to my next class, which it seemed like a surpries to many seeing me enter the class room even the Teacher was giving me a questioning, I simply ignored it and looked around and there was my blonde friend sitting in the back with a bored expression leaning his head on the palm of his hand, I smiled not like I could stop it, i felt so many emotions i had to tell someone.
Yes it might look like a girl wanting to gossip to her friends about her new boyfriend...even if it does have to do with that...(fuck).
I sat next to Killer in a rush he looked at me, well I think he did.
"Whats with the creepy ass smile, your scaring the shit out of everyone" he said simply with a chuckle
"Shut up asshole, I need to tell you something" my smile widen  I finally told him what happened.
"...what?" The blonde said looking at me like if I have gone mad, and I must agree that I have.
"You heard me! we're dateing, well not dateing well we havent had a date yet but he said 'yes' so its close to acepting were dateing" I smiled i felt that I forgot to brethe for a moment
"... Are you sure you didn't mistake it for a 'no' or maybe i don't know something else?... Like a No or maybe you dreamed it" he said making a strange circle motion with his wrist
"Shut up! Why are you trying to burst my happiness? shit head"
"Im not, its just... Weird for Trafalgar to give in so easily" he said looking away from me, giving half his atention to the teacher who was now starting the class.
"Why do say that like if I were a bad thing?" I glared at him but he just laughed which pissed me off even more
"Well kind of, c'mon dude he's been rejecting you for years and out of no where he says yes? I'm just saying no need to get difensive" he just smirked
"Your just jealous" I huffed looked at the teacher giving his class
"I beg to differ I have my own boyfriend, remember" I heard him chuckle
"... I hate you so much" I grunted
"No you dont, you can't hate me im adorable" he said giving a smile
I lightly punched him with a smirk
Killer is one of my best friends sometimes I wish I could do so much more to thank him.
Killer and him mother have done so much for me making me realize that even a bastard child like me can have a semi normal life.
And even though Killer seems like an apathetic jerk most of the times and that I can be a complete asshole and be at fault when we argue, I know he cares, That's just how we are.
"Stop it" i heard him say
"What?" I turned to see him giving me a playful smirk
"With your fucking creepy ass grin,man" he chuckled
"Oh, fuck you" I turned away
"...I hope you stay that way" I heard his voice lower
"Whatever" I smiled at that
Law's POV
It was a while untill we arrived to the front gates of the mansion, Daz stopped to give the speaker his name for the gates to open, as we drove in he stopped at the front door.
without a word I got out without even waiting for them to open their car doors, I knew why I was here at the mansion and not at my apartment with my friends...he wanted to talk, and 'that' is something I can't simply put into words.
I heard my name being called by a familar low voice, but I didn't stop to look behind I just kept walking towards the big wooden doors of the place.
The doors were open by a maid, wearing a black maid outfit not as revealing as some are, her light green hair in a bun and big circular glases covering her eyes.
"So nice to see you Law" she said with a smile
I simply grunted at that and passed by her like if she was nothing, I never liked her, and I never will.
I started to climb the stairs hearing Daz and my 'father' walk in.
"Welcome Sir" I heard her say
"You can go now, Monet" I heard Daz say coldly
"Yes, Sir" she chuckled
Finally at the top, I went directly to my old room, next to the huge doors of the library.
I opened the door of my room and saw that it was just as when I left, nothing out of place.
I sighed and walked towards my bed sat in the side of it.
Staring at nothing in particular, my eyes trailed off to my study table, something cought my eyes.
In there was a small case, in the corner as if was always there, i stood up and rolled back the chair so i could sit.
I tapped a few times on the wooden desk before giving a huff and grabbed the case.
Without opening it but just 'admireing it's the wine color leather around it, I gave a small chukle when I finally opened it.
In its interior laid a pair of glasses'  black frame around the thin glass, a small black tape in holding its temple so it wouldn't fall off.
I know it my be stupid to just stare a pair of glases like if it were some hidden tresure, but thanks to these I got to meet someone more that a tresure could acheive.
A memory... These broken glasses took me back to when I first started school here in the Grand Line.
"Do you want me to take you on first day?"
"No" I said barely looking up to meet his gaze, I just poked the fresh cut fruits in the well decord plate.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked with a sigh
"Is their something that is bothering you, that you want to talk about?" He asked
Ive had it with the interogation first thing in the damn morining so I slid back the chair away from the table and got up with a low grunt.
Leaving the dining' room as fast as i could before he had a chance to call my name I was already in the entrance hall.
Just when I was about to walk up the stairs I heard a knock on the door, I cursed and walked towards it to open the door.
"Hello i'm Monet im here for the house keeping interveiw" she smiled
I looked at her for awhile but let her pass anyways I grabbed my things and left just when my 'father's voice was heard.
I heard my name before I crossed the gates, I shiffted my coat a bit and slid back my glasses on the bridge of my nose givig a cold sigh.
Since I moved I to start second semester which was the ending the cold season since it was morning there was little chill in the day by then the weather raises and it gets hot, but freezing at night.
The change of the weather wasnt great, but I might as well get use to it.
I had to take a bus int morning to get a stop close but still far from the school, I'm not even close to the buss stop and I already hate it.
When I finally got in, I have the feeling of getting car-sick, claustophobic and anti-social start to rise.
There was many people from many schools and every age literaly every damn age, to a pregnant woman to a old man that seem about to colaps' and im not even joking, I feel like he might stop breathing if I look away.
How can there be so many people in the morining damn it!
By a few minutes the buss started to get empty and I felt slightly better when the smell of piss, and old people started to fade away, I could breathe!
The buss made a stop and I could finally feel free to sit down in a seat and didn't feel like a canned sausage.
I looked at the driver who had a pissed off face at the opened door waiting for who knows what.
Until he snapped "Are you getting in or not!" He yelled  followed by a pop sound and a "oh shit! Yeah" I just stared at the door that showed wavey black hair as who ever it was walked up the small case of stairs.
It was a guy about my age, he gave the conductor a small apologetic smile, the freckls dusting his face giving him a child like face still didnt seem to win against the conductor sour mood and just huffed.
Stupidly I forgot i was staring, and our eyes meet, his smile never faded not even when he just sat in the seat next to mine.
"So... Havent seen you here before, you new?" He asked quite cheerfully
I slowly turned to look at him with my 'why are you even talking to me' frown.
He didnt seem to get the picture that i didnt want to talk to him, he just stared at me with a smirk.
I didnt look away it was like a straring contest on were i wish i could stare a hole to his head and leave.
The buss stopped and i could finally get out, and i did, but little did i know the guy was heading the same place.
"Hey! Wait up!" I heard him yell from behind
I stared to walk faster but he seemed to be fast and cought up to me.
"So you are new, cool, i'm Ace By the way" he said beside me with a smile
I dont know what it is but i started to feel my face tickle, like if he's possitive energy was sort of contagious.
"Oh so you can, smile!" He laughed, i looked away
"So What's your name? Are you gonna leave me hanging?" He speeded up to make me look at him
"Law" thats all I said
"Law" he repeated "I like it!" He shouted, slowing down by my side
I wanted so bad to say what did i even care if he liked it or not but he didnt seem to care about my own opinion.
"So you freshmen?" he smiled opening another bag of pastrie
"Yeah" I said seriously i felt his gaze not leave me at all so i looked back at him, he had puffed cheeks and crums all over his face.
"What?" I couldnt avoid but chuckled
"You should smile more" his attention back on his sweet bun and then slowly at me "It's cute" he smiled
That's when I met Hiken-ya also know as Portgas D Ace, my first friend.
By then I met Shachi and Bepo when Hiken-ya made me sign up for Medicine, we became quite close, everything quite well, my freshmen year was starting very pleasing.
But of corse everything had a down fall.
One night I had a strange call, which changed my life forever.
Hello?" I grunted
"Its so nice to hear you again Law, I almost thought you forgot about me" time felt like it froze, my hands started to sweat
"What do you want?" I tried to keep my cool
"Always into the point arn't you Law?" I heard him chuckle
"I just wanted to hear about my little boys whereabouts, is that so bad?" He laughed
"When it's comes to you something is usually about to go wrong, so what do you want?" i clutched my teeth annoyed
"...I just wanted to make clear who you belong to, I dont like when others touch whats rightfully mine"
My eyes widden i felt my heart beat become despreate i could feel my hands start to tremble.
"What to you mean-" i was about to say but he just cut me off with his typical laugh
"Everything will get clear sooner or later" her laughed
My breathe started to become dense,  I felt cold sweat roll down, I didnt know what he meant but I feared it anyways.
"You can't hurt me... The authorities have an eye on you- you cant-" i was cut off by a heartless laugh
"Oh Law~ you poor thing, why do you keep underestamaiting me? I thought you knew me well"
"How do you even get this number?!"
"Fufufu~ let's say, a little bird told me" he laughed again, and the call was cut off.
Next day was when everytjing he said became clear.
Ace-ya was accused of doing something he didn't do and had to be taked to juvinile detention, where he was gonna be lectured by a man named •Sakazuki Akainu and i knew that name to well to know that something bad was about to happen, and I couldnt do anything.
By then i started to get sleep deprive. And depressed i feard the calls he gave me most nights, so i tried very hard to keep people away from me.
A few days then when only coffee could keep me awake my body started to feel weak.
The buss gave a sudden stop that i felt my whole body go front untill my face hit something, making my glasses fall.
I grunted but tried bent to get my glasses back,untill i saw a boot crush them making the temple snap off, my eyes widden.
"Watch it, dumbass, ya made me drop my chips" i looked at who did it with a weak glare, but to my surprise it was a girl about my age with long pink hair and reaveling clothes who just fowned.
I sighed and retreve my now broken glasses witout even saying a word, i wasnt going to fight with a damn girl, i was to tired to even care.
I looked at them, and frowned some one important to me gave me these, i grew to them to be able to use them, i even took special care of them.
"You can be such a bitch sometimes" a sudden growl was heard, i looked to meet with a light amber glare directed to the pink-hairded girl.
"But he! Oh c'mon, Kid!" She whinned the guy was now infront of me, a tall pale guy, with blood red hair pointed to every direction held up by a pair of leather googles.
"Shut it" he looked at my palms sighed "your gonna have to get a new pair, the Hinges is broken and the screw isnt there to sostain it, and thats gonna cost a bit" he said more to himself to do me
"Oh just leave it like that, its his own fault anyways"  she said annoyed
"Said shut it didnt i?" He glared back at her. She kept quite giving a pout
"Here, aint much but its something" he took out a small roll of black tape, and took my glasses trying to make the temple hold the end piece f the frame, Thats what he explained me, i'm not a glasses expert.
When he finished he looked at me and placed my glasses slowly back on my face.
"Good as new, ne?" He said as his purple traced lips smirked at me, i simple nodded.
The buss stopped, making me wonder when did it even start moving anyways, it was my stop, and strangely it was theres too.
There I noticed a Blond guy stand up from a seat while the red head hit his back, saying he was a jerk and the girl whinning aboit her chips and it being the blonds fault for not letting her sit.
I akwardly walked behind them hopeing they didnt notice but lifes a bitch with me, so why hope.
"Ew the weirdo is following us, its all your fault Kid!" She hit the red head who slowly turned to look at me.
I lowerd my head and tried to walk as fast as I could to avoid more name calling, I was not in the mood for it.
"Wasn't he friends with Portgas?" I clenche my hands onto the bags handle.
"Hah! Kid you attracted a Homo!" She laughed
"I aint saying it again Bonney, shut the fuck up!" The red head growled at her, i started to glare at the concrete floor without even noticing.
"Law!" I saw Bepo waiting for me at the entrence door, the big guy gave a a bone crushing embrace, leaving me without air to spare life.
"Pfff, oh this is too~ much" i heard that annoying voice form the pink-hairded girl
"Bonney would you mind you own shit and leave the dork alone?" Oh ive had enough.
"Would you mind to keep her in a leash" i said
"Huh?" He looked at a me like if someting rare just happened
"He meant to shut your bitch up, Kid" the blonde translated indiferently
"You rude ass jerk!" She snapped
"I belive you wouldnt have understand it if it wernt for your friend there, you might as well take it as a compliment"
"Ooo...burn" the blond said with a smirk
"Shut it Killer" the red head snapped at his friend
"Look here um, dweeb it aint my fault that she speak up her mind, but it aint like if its a lie, isnt it?" He said getting close to me
"You might as well keep her attention out of my business" i shot back
"You better stop talking before i brake that nice face of yours"  he glared at me almost trying to burn a hole in my face
"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you" i smirked The bell rang and i just left like if i just won a trophey.
By then things changed bit by bit, I had meet Eustass Kid and his group, every now and then we spit back insults and a few pushes onto lockers mostly from Eustass-ya's point of view.
He never really got to hurt me phisically which that was handed to Bellamy and his own group, since I then became the center of attention of guys bigger and stronger than me.
I never really told anyone about constant insults and briuses i arived at school with, nor I have snitched the names on the people who've done it, I just didn't think it was necesesary.
Call me coward or even suicidal, but theres a reason why I let them do what they want, briuses, scratched broken self confidence is nothing for what ive been threw before, you might as well say im immune to all this because simply.
((A painful smirk creeped from his thin lips as I slowly closed the case.))
'I've seen hell itself'.
Sorry for the terrible grammer seriosuly typing in this crap is impossible (;-;) 
Also I just wanted to put Ace somewhere because he's simply adorable, also I wanted to point out a few things.

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