Jealousy at its finest

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(I'm sooooo sorry! Everything will be cleared out soon)
"Ah well, I gotta look for Nami, it was great seeing you again Law" he breathed out calmly
"Likewise" Law smiled
"See you soon? Maybe we can hang out and catch up?"
"Id like that" Law nodded
"Cool, see ya later" with a smile he disappeared into the crowd of people
"Oe" an annoyed voice startled the dazed boy making him jump
"Oh, Eustass-ya" that response made the red head snap, as if he was disappointed it was him
"Who the hell was that?"
"Ah, just a friend" he simply answered as if Kidd didn't see the most long and strangely sexual hug 
"You didn't-"
"Are we going?" Law pointed out
"...yeah" the red head sighed in defeat
Getting jealous as soon as they started dating? That can't be good for Kidd, he can't in any way ruin this for himself, but its eating him.
"You seem upset, is there something bothering you?"
'If I ask him about the guy, will he get annoyed?'
"Its nothing, im fine" Kid gave a weak smile 'damn it'
Ace walked towards a familiar path behind the school building, as soon as he took a turn he saw a familiar ginger talking to some girls he never met before.
"Yo Nami!" He called
Startling her, she turned to see him "Ace?! Oh my god! What are you doing here?" She hugged him then pushed him away staring accusingly "Wait did you escape again?"
"Hah no, I'm finally out, served my sentence or whatever" He looked around
"Oh these are my friends, Vivi, Kaya and Shirahoshi"
"Pleasure to meet you all" they all giggled '...girls' he looked back to Nami "So wheres Luffy?"
"He's with the guys- oh here they come" he turned to see Luffy walking backwards talking enthusiastically with a taller tanned broad guy whose hair looked like artificial grass and oh, sweet dear Sanji.
When they got close enough Ace standed there Luffy closely bumped into him looking up seeing his older brothers face.
"ACE!!!" The younger boy jumped to hug him clinging onto him like a baby monkey
"Shit..." Sanji breathed out
"Who's that?" Zoro stared seeing Luffy more well exited then usual
"Luffy's older brother" the blond looked away starting to walk right where they came from "I gotta go"
"Oe, leaving so soon? Sanji"
The blond froze hearing his name, his heart skipped a painful beat, he slowly turned around facing the smiling freckled boy.
Zoro had no idea what was going on, but he didn't like the cooks reaction to this new guy.
"H-hey Ace~" not only did he stutter but he embarrassingly dragged Ace's name
With a chuckle the freckled boy approached the blond, giving him a tight hug, Sanji tensed up and blushed furiously.
"Whats with the cook" Zoro asked not comprehending the blonds actitud
"Oh he didn't tell you?" Nami looked knowingly
"Tell me what?"
"Ace was Sanji's first!" Luffy yelled
"Don't phrase it like that!" Sanji screeched "And mind your damn business stupid marimo!"
Ace chuckled but the sound of a truck horn snapped him back into reality.
"Hey Luf. Ill meet you back home later, I got some catching up to do with the guys"
"Are you gonna get in trouble again?" Luffy frowned
"Ill try not too"
"Fine but dont be late! sanji is gonna make you welcome back dinner"
"Oe when did I agree to this rubberboy?!" The blond blushed angrily
"You have too~! You're the only one who cooks!" Liffy whined
"Id like that, I've missed Sanji's cooking"
"Oh ok...i can...yeah I...ok" the blond responded in a mumble of words
"Later guys" with a wave he left
Jogging his way to the truck smacking the side to get the drivers attention.
"Ace!" Jozu smiled hand on the steering wheel while the other grabbed Aces hand in a friendly squeeze
"Hey buddy been awhile" he patted his shoulder and got in the back of the truck
"Its good to see you again Ace-kun" a familiar geisha smiled
"Izou~" the freckled boy dropped onto the geishas lap "comfort me before I get scolded"
"Marco is so gonna give you a lesson" Jozu laughed wholeheartedly
"Izouuuu~" Ace whined 
"I hate to be the bare if bad news but...Pops also wants to see you" the geisha simply caresses the boys hair
"...I'm not ready to face him yet" he looked away
"That's not your decision to make anymore"
"It stopped being your decision"
The ride back to HQ was silent and tense, facing his crew knowing what he did was something he will never live down.
Eustass-ya has been acting strange, almost like he's avoiding something, its getting annoying.
"What's wrong?"
"Hm?" The red head finally looked at him
"You've been fidgeting for half an hour now"
"It's nothing, the waiter is taking to long isn't he? Ill go look for him" he was about to get up but Law glared making him sit
"Eustass" Law said calmly yet serious Kidd kept his attention away
"Are you jealous?" Law asked, he noticed Kid jolt at the question
"Pfff you wish" Kidd scoffed looking away
"I'm not!"
"I didn't say anything..."
"You're thinking it!" He accused Law simply rolled his eyes 
(Back at Ace)
"Ace!!!" Haruta cheered as soon as Ace walked into the building
"Still looking stupid I see"
"Well you're still short" he shrugged walking into a crowd that waited for him
Hugs, kisses even a few cried, it was sweet but a part of him felt uneasy, it became clear why when someone caught his attention.
"Ace" a gruff deep voice said
Everyone silenced and looked to where it came from, there standing was a tall man with baggy pants and sandals, an open baby blue shirt, showing the devoted tattoo of the gang.
His bored expression was more prominent, with a deep frown that meant he wasn't up for any funny business, words didn't have to be said Ace understood on and nodded.
As he made his way to Marco everyone stared worriedly, watching Ace wake away with a tail behind his legs was something strange to them, but they knew it was serious.
They made it to the door of Marcos office, and entered, Marco silently walked towards his chair, Ace finally broke the ice.
"I'm sorry...i'm so sorry"
"Sorry doesn't cut it Ace"
"Not only did you put the mission and us in jeopardy but you got caught"
"I didn't mean too"
"I specifically told you to stay on guard, I told you that we were going to handle Teach" he pointed at Ace accusingly
"I just couldn't handle it when he spoke of Thatch like that"
"It wasn't your call Ace, you went rampage and put everyone in danger" he yelled back
"He killed Thatch Marco! He killed our brother and laughed at it! You can't expect me to not be mad! We had him and you let him go"
"I was mad! I was furious and I wanted to kill him as much as you but what you did was foolish and selfish Ace"
"I'm selfish?! I was going to take Teach down for Thatch!" Tears were almost forming into the freckled boys eyes
"No, you were on a suicide mission that you made up, you lied to me Ace, You lied to pops, you almost got yourself killed, then what would've happened" the blond glared
"Whatever" Ace dried his tears annoyed
"You are so damn childish"
"Fuck you" he spat
"Marco" they both were startled by the familiar voice
"Pops... you shouldn't be out of bed"
"I just heard Ace got back you cant expect me to lay in that death bed and not see him" the old man smiled
"Pops... I-I'm sorry" Ace frowned yet so glad to see the old man ok
"Gurarara if it isn't that long lost son of mine, how did Juvi treat ya?"  He placed a hand on Aces hair making the teens breath hitch
"...Could've been better" he simply said
"Gurarara! Its nice to have you back, we missed you, We all did" he said pointing out Marcos behavior
"Right..." Ace simply walked passed the blonde

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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