19- A snippet of life

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Obi-Wan told you stories all night. You moved from the floor to the bed after some time, as he told you tales in the comforting dark. In the dark, he could pretend that what he was doing was ok, even if  he knew that it wasn't. With each word, he grew closer to you, each syllable served to solidify how he felt about you. He didn't say anything, only wondered if you could feel it too, the change in atmosphere. It grew from deathly and cold to warm and inviting. Maybe that was from your body heat as you sat together on his bed, but either way it was heavenly and calming. Obi-Wan felt his troubles ease when he was with you, so much so that even his worries about his feelings didn't matter in that moment. He felt so warm, like there was a fire burning away inside of him, flames spreading deliciously along his limbs and into his head, making his delightfully dizzy. 

Everything, right then, was perfect.


You don't remember falling asleep, but you did wake up. Your head was on Obi-Wan's lap, who was sleeping peacefully- sat up, leaning back against the wall. You must have dozed off while he was talking, and you didn't think much of it until you felt his hand intwined with your hair. He had been petting it, his fingers still positioned, ready to begin again at a moment's notice. You carefully sat up, not wanting to disturb him. You smiled at him, before getting up to shower.

He still wasn't awake by breakfast, so you went alone.  By now, you knew the way well, and you were starting to appreciate the identical corridors a little more. They were familiar now, they were home. 

The canteen was already full of Jedi, all trying to find a spot to eat. You sat down with Master Fisto, who was enjoying hot tea with Anakin and Master Windu. 

"Is Master Kenobi still asleep?" Kit asked, offering you tea,

You nodded, "Yes, he's still not completely well, but he's got most of his strength back."

"His encounter with Grievous was a minor setback," said Windu, "You can't let it distract you from your next mission?"

"My next mission, Master? I thought that was a one-off?"

"You showed great courage when dealing with General Grievous, and where you're going, we'd need someone with your expertise."

Anakin hummed in agreement, "We're going to the depths."

"We're? Im sorry, I'm a little lost..."

"You, me, and Obi-Wan." Anakin smiled, "We're going undercover."

You wanted to groan, but stopped yourself. A mission with Anakin did not sound enjoyable, nor did going back to where you had come from. You had secretly vowed to never return to that retched place, not after the magical things you had seen. You'd find work on a higher level, maybe something in politics, live the lavish life others did. You wanted to make a better life for yourself, and if you were lucky, a better life for others in the depths too. That place was behind you now, it was in the past, you didn't want to slip back into that foul, abhorrent lifestyle.

"Miss Y/N? You will accompany Skywalker and Kenobi, won't you?"

"If I must, Master Windu." 

You finished your tea and ate your breakfast as quick as you could, if it weren't for the eyes on you, your face would have been very different. You could already feel the grime of the streets, the burning scent of vomit and alcohol was invading your nostrils. Liquor sat heavy on your tongue, even if your were only drinking sweet, fragrant tea. It was like you were travelling back in time, switching back to your life before the Jedi, before Obi-Wan.

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