23- Join the separatists

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When Obi-Wan returned with Anakin, you were quick to rush up to them,

"You're back! Where did you go? I thought you might've gotten hurt!"

Obi-Wan laughed,

"We only went to get breakfast, here." He handed you a cardboard box of something,

"Oh! I see..."

"Something wrong?"

"No, I guess I was just worrying over nothing..."

Obi-Wan cupped your face with his hands, "It's perfectly alright, I should have told you where I was going, my apologies."

You nodded. Had he really just gone for breakfast? You had worried so much, and for nothing? It didn't really matter where he had gone, you still realised something important- that Obi-Wan could never be yours, not really. Even if he felt the same, you could never be together. You looked to Anakin, how did he do it? Maintaining a wife while also being a part of the Jedi? It must be hard for him, to have to hide such a huge thing from the world, maybe it really would just be easier if you didn't venture down that path. If you got over him now, then you would spare yourself the trouble, the effort Anakin must go through in order to keep his life secret. 

It was Obi-Wan who awoke you from your thoughts,

"Come on then, eat up. We'll head out soon, see if we can catch word of what's happening."

You nodded, opening your box. Inside was a chunk of something purple, emitting a curious smelling steam. You looked up at Obi-Wan,

"Are you sure this is safe to eat?"

"Oh yes!" He smiled, "In fact, it's quite good."

You smiled at him, maybe you couldn't be lovers, but being his friend wasn't too bad.


Traipsing the streets was strangely new and yet familiar to you. You had lived here forever, and yet, as you danced between the crowds, you felt like an entirely new person. With Obi-Wan beside you and Anakin a few steps behind - both wearing dark cloaks to hide their faces and their robes- you couldn't help but look at the depths with a new found appreciation. This was your home, and as rotten as it might be, it made you the person you were now, and if you hadn't lived here, you never would've met Obi-Wan.

What a cruel fate that would be, never meeting him. How miserable would you be now? Lying at home on your mattress, drinking until you passed out and forgot, before drinking more to cure the hangover. You turned to Obi-Wan, and glanced at his features. He was so strong, so beautiful, even now as he covered most of his face, you hung onto the parts you could see. Your mind clung to him, he was all you needed in this world. He was your new alcohol, your new escape, your new guilty pleasure.

He caught you staring and tilted his head,

"Something a matter?"

"No, not at all."

Anakin grinned, and you frowned, 

"What is it?" Obi-Wan insisted, "You're acting strange."

"Oh it's nothing master," Anakin replied, forcing his way between the two of you, disrupting your view. 

You continued walking, entering a small courtyard with market stalls surrounding a long abandoned fountain. The water had dried up long ago, and now somebody was standing in it, holding a sign in one hand and a megaphone in the other. A crowd surrounded the speaker, and everyone seemed to be listening intently. The three of you lingered at the back, not wanting to be noticed. 

Without The Force ~Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now