01- Going somewhere?

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Coruscant was a large planet, and while there were those like the Jedi council who were respectable, they weren't the sort you were often meeting. For Coruscant was also home to the scum of the galaxy, one above the nobodies on the outer rim; those who were void of morals and had been cast aside by respectable society were more your speed. They gathered in bars and clubs, hovered in the dark streets, and used questionable methods in order to feel anything more than emptiness.

You were one of those people, someone who would do nearly anything to keep your head above the water. It wasn't a glamorous lifestyle, but it was one you were stuck with. Rough, unhinged, and plagued with the others suffering the same fate. There were no routines, you did as you liked when you liked and so did everyone else. In the depths of Coruscant, there was chaos, and those living in the large towers were too high-up to see it.


If there was one night you'd always remember, it was this one. You were in some bar or another, a nameless tavern with the strongest stuff around and a surprising lack of rules. The lights were dim, tinted red just enough to make everyone's face the same shade of tan, shadows darker and deeper than usual. You were leaned against the bar, sinking another drink, hoping to have enough so you would be too far gone to worry about the price. Music played softly from the speaker overhead, and while it was dark, you could still spot an unusual character from across the room.

A stranger, and one that didn't look at home in a place like this. He was wearing robes, cream, with a brown cloak. His hair was a light brown in places, more ginger or blonde in others, and his face screamed superiority. He was the leader type, probably looking for a stress-reliever, but he held himself to a high standard as he walked closer towards the bar you were leaning against. You heard him order, voice sharp and strict, and he ordered what could only be described as a modest drink for somebody like you.

His eyes cast around, and as people from the very worst places brushed past, you could almost feel his nerves rise. He didn't look right, a clear-headed man in a room of monsters. Perhaps he was a senator? Or a Jedi? You weren't one for politics, and you had never seen the Jedi up close, barely even heard of them if it wasn't for the legends that spread similarly to the fog on a cold morning. He certainly looked like how you imagined such a man would look, but you wouldn't dare ask. You were almost repulsed by the notion that a man so well-off would mock you by coming here out of choice. You were stuck in this cess-pit, and here he was soiling it with his grandeur. You wanted to spit at him.

And then suddenly, he jumps up, hands grabbing at his side, clutching around nothing.

"My lightsabre!" He cries out, scanning the room like a mad man. Maybe the barman had slipped something into his drink.

He starts hurrying about, grabbing people and demanding to know if they had seen his 'lightsabre'- whatever that was. You watched as he kept searching for it, people stepping back to give the clearly deranged man space. Then without warning he stops, staring at something. This would pass, right? This outburst must be some sort of drunkenness, granted you'd never seen it before. The upper-class, always behaving so oddly.

You decide to go with it though, just to witness how far he would take this. You follow his gaze, and spot somebody running from the bar, and seconds later the stranger is following. You weren't much of a runner, but you manage to keep up, the stranger chasing this poor man like an animal. They turn a corner and disappear into an alley, you do the same and see the man is gone, but the stranger is still there.

"My lightsabre!" He says again, searching desperately for where the man had got to.

You knew the alley well, had used it a few times when escaping someone unfriendly, or to avoid paying for your drinks at the end of the night. You brushed past the stranger and jumped, a fire-exit ran just above you, and you could grab the railing to swing yourself up. You did, the metal clattering underneath you as ran along, past the back wall of the alley where you could jump down on the other side. You supposed someone with super-powers could just jump the wall, but you weren't that lucky. This method worked though, and you were soon face-to-face with the man again.

To your surprise, he looked guilty, though most people round these parts did. He was holding something, a metal tube thingy which looked intricate and oddly beautiful. You go to ask about it when somebody lands just behind you.

"That's mine," The stranger points to the metal object, his hand passes by his face for a second, "You will give it to me."

"I will give it to you," The man replies, handing it over. You step away, unsure of what's happening.

The stranger nods to the man, who leaves the way he came. You're star-struck.

"You jumped that wall," You say with admiration.

"I did," He doesn't seem to share your confusion

"But if you could do that, why not do it before?"

"I didn't think it were possible for him to get over," He smiles, "You showed me that it was."

You feel oddly pleased to be of help, and decide to question him further,

"What's that?" You stare pointedly at the metal object in his hand,

He presses something and a blue beam erupts from one end, glowing like a star, bright and shining in the darkness. "This is my lightsabre."

"What's a lightsabre?" You reach out to touch it, he pulls away

"It's the weapon of the Jedi, don't touch it." He waves it, spinning the beam around. You're transfixed on the movement and the sort of buzzing/droning noise it makes.

"You're a Jedi?" You ask, "I've never met a Jedi before,"

"I am, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and you are?"

"Master Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

"That's my name, what's yours?"

"Y/N, just Y/N."

"No last name?" He chuckles, "Or are you too informal for that?"

"It's L/N, but people don't tend to use it."

"Y/N it is, thank you Y/N, you helped me get my lighsabre back."

"No problem?.." You are still skeptical, squinting in the dark to see him properly, studying his face, his hair, his eyes a pale yet deep green, verging on turquoise. He hadn't been ruined by the filth surrounding you, but he had certainly seen things. He looked solid, like rock, built to defend and protect. But he wasn't damaged, no he was perfectly in-tact, just a little sharp compared to the relaxed environment you lived in. He was different, and you liked different.

"Master Obi-Wan?" You wanted to ask him more, but he shook his head.

"No more questions," He said, "Save them for next time,"

"Next time?" You ventured

"I have a feeling we'll meet again," With a small smile he jumps, clearing the wall before you can even think about following him.

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