24- Tea and treachery

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"I'm sorry it's not much," They said, handing over a dainty, ceramic cup. The liquid inside is a pale lilac and steaming lightly. You hold it in your hands and it warms them pleasantly, not too hot to burn. 

"It's fine. Thank you again."

"It's you I should be thanking." They reply. You're stood in their kitchen, a light green coloured room. It's quaint, but homely. Incense burns on a countertop and the cupboard doors hand loose on their hinges. You bring the cup to your face, it smells floral and citrusy. You taste it and smile around the rim. 

"It's lovely."

"Really? It's my own recipe, I'm glad you like it." Their smile is warm, long drapes of blonde hair hang from either side of their face. Their blue skin looks darker here in the orange light of their home, and you could swear their green eyes emit their own glow. 

You move to the living room. The sofa is worn, covered in patterned blankets and cushions of varying colours. The rug is plush beneath your feet (you had removed your shoes upon entry) and you feel safe as you sink into your seat. They sit beside you, moving aside a pile of yellowed books in order to get there. There are a lot of books in their home, you realise. The kitchen shelves were full of cooking books, hundreds of recipes, all piled together on rickety shelves. The living room was lined in a similar fashion, every space was occupied by one book or another, and it was oddly comforting. The house even smelt of old books, the sort that were frail and wrinkled with use. You picked one up and thumb through the pages, 

"You like reading?"

They nodded, chuckling, "You noticed then?" They take the book from you, "I just like imagining, really- and learning, too. I hope the world can be half as good as I imagine it could be one day."

"You're really passionate about this, aren't you?"

"It's everything to me." They look lost in a dream somewhere, "I have to help everyone in Coruscant, especially those down here. It was what I was born to do."

"I want to help you." You smile. What would Obi-Wan think? Befriending a separatist, vowing to help them? You shook off your worries, he would understand, and you were your own person- this was what you wanted, he would have to accept that. 

The night pulled along slowly. As you felt your eyelids grew heavy you realised you may need to sleep at some point soon. They tilted their head as you yawned again,

"Are you tired? You're welcome to spend the night here."

You rubbed your eyes, "Really? That would be great, thanks."

"It's no bother, I'm afraid I don't have another bed, though. Would the sofa be ok?"

"It'll be fine." 

They nodded, "Alright then," They collected up the two teacups and took them into the kitchen. You found yourself a nice blanket and pillows, laying out a makeshift bed. When the returned, you had already lied down, snuggled beneath a thick knitted mountain. 

"I'll be going up, then." They smiled at you, "Goodnight."

"mm, night." you hummed, eyes closed and head already feeling foggy. You were asleep shorty afterwards, dreaming vaguely of lilac tea and jewel toned rooms. 


The morning was peaceful and silent. You sat up, pushing off the heavy blanket, and were met with the chill of morning air. The house was quiet, and the scent of incense was lighter than it was the previous night. You placed your feet on the shaggy rug and waited for yourself to properly wake up. Had they not woken yet? You wondered, listening for the sounds of footsteps upstairs. There was nothing, and you considered going up to check. You did want a shower after-all, and the bathroom was upstairs. 

Carefully, you treaded up the creaky steps, ears straining for the sound of them, but there was nothing. You reached the bathroom, still nothing. You opened the door and smiled to yourself. The bathroom was a pale blue and white, and you were pleased to see clear water come from the tap. Undressing, you waited for the shower stream to warm up before stepping under the spray. 

It was the perfect morning really, a refreshing cold breeze, a hot shower, peaceful and quiet. Even though you were in the home of a stranger, you felt at ease, safe despite how recklessly you were acting. If Obi-Wan were here... Well, you didn't want to think about what he would say. He deserved it, you thought, because even now thinking about him stung. You were so close to him, yet so far away from where you wanted to be. Why couldn't he be a normal person? Why did he have to be a Jedi? It wasn't fair, the universe was playing you like a fool, enticing you with such a perfect man, dangling in your grasp but pulling him away whenever you reached out. 

But you weren't playing the universe's games anymore, you would do as you pleased, even if it meant staying the night with someone you had just met and helping them to overthrow the republic. It sounded like a lot, really, overthrowing the republic, but once you had put your mind to something, you were fairly sure you could accomplish it. Screw what Obi-Wan thought, you were doing this for yourself. 

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