03- Heat of the moment

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The Jedi temple was not a building you were familiar with. You supposed from the high towers of the rich, it could be seen from even the furthest reaches of Coruscant, but in the depths where you lived it was impossible to see. It was large, foreboding almost as you crossed the threshold and shivered at how cold the air was. The atmosphere was crisp, not muggy like you were used to, and the air had the slight scent of something sweet and light, dancing around you. The temple was subtle in most aspects, from the plain yet rich clothes the Jedi wore to the stone beneath you from some far-away system that you had never even heard of. Everything had the underlying tone of luxury, and to the untrained eye or the even wealthier senators it looked selfless and modest. Maybe it was in comparison to the lives others lived, but to you it was Heaven. This was the home of the angels, golden and glowing like no other place you had ever seen.

The lights were dim as Obi-Wan led you through the maze of hallways, all identical yet somehow identifiable. It was night, and the temple seemed to be shut-down, not busy and hectic like you assumed it would be. Doors were solid and as such you had no way of knowing what was behind each one, though you longed to explore every crevice of the building. Shadows were plentiful but not completely solid black, more grey or murky brown as you looked around for any sign of life. You felt oddly at ease; the building, whilst physically quite chilly, felt warming. Obi-Wan knew the place well, guiding you through yet more hallways until he stopped before a door.

"I shall have to warn you, I will not go easy on you."

"Oh don't worry, Master Obi-Wan, I'm tougher than I look." You smiled at him.

He opened the door and you stepped inside a large room. It was somewhat bare, aside from the soft mats on the floor and the benches that lined the far-back wall. The training room of the Jedi was not as you expected it to look. You thought they would be more challenging, with more obstacles to test the superpowers they seemed to hold. This looked perfectly normal, which made you relax slightly.

To say you were nervous would be a small understatement, you didn't fear the Jedi, you feared your own incompetence and more-than-likely failure. The Jedi were strong, physically tough and supposedly well-trained, and you were a straggler. You doubted you could prove even slightly worthy in this scenario, but you didn't allow yourself to back down. Obi-Wan wouldn't hurt you, you felt sure of that, he was intimidating you, teasing you. You felt as if he could sense your fear (which he could).

"I will try to show some restraint," He says, throwing off his brown robe so it pooled behind him where he left it. "Are you ready?"

You nodded, though truthfully you were not. You took off your shoulder bag and put it on the floor, wondering what you should do next when Obi-Wan suddenly approaches you. You were stood before each other, now only about a foot or so separating you.

"If I were to try and punch you, what would you do?"

"Block it?" You ask, he nods.

He swings for you and you stick out your arm, blocking your face.

"Try and grab my wrist," He swings again, you do as he says, "Now you have control, what do you do now?"

"This." You throw his fist back at him, he loses balance for a moment, surprised by your rashness.

"Oh, so you think you can handle me then? Without guidance?"

"I told you as much, Master Obi-Wan,"

"Very well." His confidence is thick in his voice.

He lurches forward, you turn sideways so he misses his attack. You didn't think it entirely fair, but instead of whining you kicked out, pressing your foot into his chest. He stumbles but doesn't fall, regathering himself and once more charging at you.

This time, he's quicker in grabbing you, spinning you round so your back is pressed into his chest. You can feel his breathe on your neck, as well as the rise and fall of his chest. He's still composed as you try and get out. His arms are locked around your waist, pressing into you as you struggle more.

"Y/N, I advise you let me guide you normally, you cant win."

You don't respond, too busy thinking off a way out of his grip, your hands grab onto his arms, pulling desperately at them. When they don't budge, he laughs, which reminds you that his head is directly behind you. You throw your head back, and while the height difference means you don't hit him face-on, he does jolt backwards, his grip faltering.

You're free of his grasp, and turn round before he can grab you again. He's quickly surging towards you once more, but you swipe your leg across to trip him just before he can reach you. He falls, grabbing your arm as he does so to bring you down with him.

"I am going easy on you," Obi-Wan states, already trying to stand again

"You shouldn't." Your quicker to your feet, and kick him down once more. He grabs your leg, pulling you sharply to the floor.

Crying out, you try and scramble up again, but it's too late. He is stood over you, when you try to stand, he pushes you back down. He's sturdy, and no amount of pulling or kicking is working. You pant, raising your hands in some form of surrender.

Obi-Wan laughs, suddenly switching back to his usual self, helping you to your feet, "let me teach you properly, please"

"Fine," You brush yourself down, "You're stronger than you look."

"I know." His confidence has grown ten-folds, "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, no, I'm fine." You collect up your bag, he puts his robe back on.

The two of you stand there, unsure of what to say when the door opens. In comes a small green man with a walking stick and wispy grey hair. He's old and somewhat weak-looking, you think.

"Master Yoda." Obi-Wan greets them,

"Who is this, Master Kenobi?" he points at you with his stick.

"This is Y/N, I was training her?"

"We have a new Jedi, I did not know."

"She isn't a Jedi, Master, she's a friend."

Yoda stares at you for a moment, before nodding, "I see. Food and drink, we must give your friend."

"I won't be staying," You interrupt, "I should really be off now."

"Outside, you must wait, Y/N. To Obi-Wan I must speak."

You nodded, stepping outside and waiting in the corridor for them. You had heard the name Yoda before, it was one that always arose when talking about the Jedi. You thought he would look different, but it was clear that Obi-Wan fiercely respected him, so you would too.

While you waited, Yoda spoke to Obi-Wan, his tone turning stern as he addressed his fellow Yedi,

"Obi-Wan, conflict I sense in you."

"Conflict, Master?"

"Hmm yes, great conflict. Now not, but soon you will feel it." He hobbled closer, looking into Obi-Wan's eyes.

"What sort of conflict?"

"Make a choice, you will need to make. Follow your feelings, Obi-Wan."

He nodded, though he was unsure of what he was agreeing with. He felt it might concern you, but he couldn't think why.

Without The Force ~Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now