21- Stupid cliche

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Before you could realise it, you, Obi-Wan and Anakin were travelling to the depths. You had travelled with Obi-Wan before, even wandered the depths with him. But Anakin didn't know that, so you both pretended that this was something new for you. You were all lugging around your bags, full of clothes, money as well as a bunch of technology that would help you track down whoever was causing this trouble. 

You stepped onto an elevator together, dropping like stones towards the depths. The air whooshed upwards, starting from pleasant, to freezing cold to the muggy warmth that you knew so well. It was sticky and hot in the depths, with thick fogs swirling patterns of green in the air. Anakin covered his nose as you walked, searching for a hotel to stay in. Obi-Wan was politer, though you couldn't exactly compliment the depths, he was nice enough so as to not make any negative comments. He glared at Anakin while you walked ahead, he knew this place meant a lot to you, even if it wasn't the nicest. You had lived here all your life, and by insulting it, Anakin was insulting you. He caught up to you and placed a protective hand on your shoulder. While it seemed a friendly gesture, Obi-Wan hoped you knew how much it meant for him. Just touching you was so exhilarating, especially with Anakin nearby. He couldn't know how close the two of you really were, even if you never spoke about it.

To Obi-Wan, it was like his body acted on its own. His desire to be with you, to touch you and care for you, it was so deep inside of him, buried beneath layers of guilt, that he couldn't even acknowledge what he wanted to do until he was already doing it. His voice failed him in these moments, he couldn't find the words, couldn't force himself to say them. A conscious decision to break the code, it would in turn shatter all of the years he had served the Jedi. 

That being said, there was always her. 

Eventually, you came across a shabby hotel on a street corner. Walking in, you were met with a dirty counter staffed by a strange looking person. In some parts of their mouth, they had too many teeth, in others their gums were bare. Their eyes were sunken and dark, glaring at you, even if they were smiling. 

"Three rooms please," Obi-Wan said, fishing around for his credits, 

"No can do, there's only two left. We're very busy."

"Really?" You asked, looking around.

"Yep, only hotel around. You're lucky there's any rooms at all."

You looked to Obi-Wan, who looked to Anakin. This was the only hotel around, and two rooms were better than none. 

"It couldn't hurt," Anakin shrugged, "I don't mind sharing with you, Obi-Wan."

"Actually, I think it would be best if I shared with Y/N," Obi-Wan replied, you just caught the subtle redness on his cheeks, "She has all the knowledge on this place, and I have all the technology. It just.. That makes sense, right?"

You nodded, too nervous to speak. Obi-Wan's knuckles brushed against yours and you froze. Anakin shrugged again,

"Fine by me."

"We'll take those two rooms, then." Obi-Wan placed down his credits, "Thank you."


You were expecting maybe two single beds, or at the very least a sofa in the room that one of you could sleep on. Sure, you had been staying in Obi-Wan's room your entire time at the temple, but you had never slept in the same bed. Except from that one time, but you didn't count that. You hadn't meant to fall asleep with him, it was a mistake.

This, however, was very, very, deliberate. 

You put your bag down on the double bed and looked to Obi-Wan to say something. One bed, nothing else. Unless one of you was going to sleep on the filthy, strangely-damp floor, you were both going to be sleeping in the same bed. 

"Well, we could always sleep in shifts?" He suggested. You could tell by his voice he didn't believe himself

"We've been walking all day, Obi-Wan. It can't hurt." You laughed, "Better you and me than you and Anakin."

He laughed along, setting his own bag down. It was getting late, and you were both tired. Obi-Wan found some food in his pack and you shared it, sitting on the bed as you both picked at the cold, mushy substance. It was like the stuff you had to eat on Tatooine, but at least that was followed up the next day by a decent breakfast.

"Do you know any nice restaurants around here?" Obi-Wan offered, you shook your head,

"I'm not even sure where 'here' is. I think it's familiar but I'm not sure. Besides, I don't think nice restaurants exist this far down."

You finished eating, and Obi-Wan prepared for bed. The water in the bathroom would probably only serve to make you dirtier, so you both skipped on showering. Instead, you took turns changing in the bathroom. Obi-Wan climbed awkwardly into bed. Now that you were actually thinking about getting into bed with him, you felt embarrassed. However, you didn't have a choice. Obi-Wan was as far over as he could get, dangerously close to falling off the edge. You did the same, but even then the gap between the two of you wasn't very big. You sighed,

"This isn't how I expected our mission to go."

"Agreed, but let's just try and sleep. Whats the worse that can happen?"

A/N: I'm sorry, I'm a sucker for the 'there's only one bed' cliche. I actually wrote a similar thing in my Kylo Ren story, but I thought the awkwardness with these two would be through the roof and that's honestly adorable! 

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