11- Guinea pig

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"Anakin? What's going on?" 

Anakin ignores you, slowly approaching you and setting down the tray of food just before you. The blue glow of his lightsaber is slightly off-putting, too kind and peaceful in comparison of what was happening. You pick up the tray of food and pick at it, noticing how similar it was to the food in the Jedi Temple. 

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you-"

"So you're the one who kidnapped me," You glare at him, hoping he could make out your face in the dark, "Why?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. Please, just listen to me."


He sat opposite you on the floor, holding his lightsaber up so you could see the worried look on his face. He looked truly sorry to be treating you like this, but he clearly had his reasons.

"I'm trying to prove something, but don't worry- Obi-Wan will be looking for you soon."

"When he finds out you did this, he'll be furious."

Anakin shook his head, "No he won't, because he won't know it's me."

"I'll tell him," You warned,

"No you won't, Y/N."

"Why not?" 

Anakin shifted closer, despite being the only people in the room. 

"Because that would ruin my experiment. I'm trying to prove that Obi-Wan cares about you, that's it."

You pulled a face, busying yourself with eating rather than talking,

"I'm married, did you know that?"

"No, who are you married too?"

"A senator, but nobody can know about that. Attachment is forbidden in the Jedi order, and with the senate marriage is only really seen as a political benefit." 

"Oh, that's terrible, but what does this have to do with me?"

"If the council discovered I was married, I'd be forced to leave the Jedi forever-" He shifted where he was sat, "I think Obi-Wan is catching on, but if I can prove he's attached to you, he'd be a hypocrite to tell the council."

"So I'm a guinea pig? A lab-rat to prove your theory? Obi-Wan isn't coming, Anakin, nobody cares that much about me."

If it wasn't for the cold, desolate surroundings, you would feel as if you were suffocating. This situation was so awkward, it expanded in your chest and put pressure on your heart. You watched Anakin process what you had said, still illuminated by his lightsaber, the only recognisable thing in the room. Even Anakin looked different, more cruel and not like the person you thought he was. 

"Y/N, I need to go through with this, both me and Padme need this to keep ourselves safe."

"Is Padme your wife?"

Anakin nodded, 

"And you love her?"

He nodded again,

"Would she want you to do this?" 

"No, but I'm doing this for her."

It was your turn to nod, understanding his perspective, but not entirely confident that he was making the right decision.

"But I don't understand, how do you know that Obi-Wan is looking for me?"

"You might not have noticed, but Obi-Wan does care deeply about you. I can sense it."

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