06- Are you sure?

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When you awoke, Obi-Wan was gone. It was still rather earlier, and the chill in the air made you want to go back to sleep. He must have left early, though you wished he had woken you as well.

It was a nice morning, and you wished you could look out of a window, but there weren't any. You thought it a cold, yet clear, sort of day, and you wanted to breathe in as much fresh air as possible. Soon you would be back in the depths, and then you would really long for a morning like this. You could feel the grease already, imagine the choking gases that made up the air around you. You felt slightly nauseated just by the thought if returning.

Silently, you got out of bed, laying there you had realised it smelt of Obi-Wan,
worn and sort of like the whiskey he drank when he visited the bars. There was the underlying tone of fire, warming and invigorating. You liked the scent, but the thought of a hot shower was much more enticing. The water always ran cold at home, mainly because you never paid your bills, and you felt almost giddy as you turned on the shower- so hot that steam started fogging up the mirror.

The refresher wasn't large or luxurious, but it worked. As you scrubbed yourself clean (stealing some of Obi-Wan's stuff to do so) you imagined what it would be like to live here. Hot water everyday and a boundless amount of things to do. You would explore every room in the Temple, even the rooms of other Jedi, just to see what they were like.

You dressed, and the thought of other Jedi struck you again, they would be everywhere now. The Temple would be crawling with them, what would they think of you? How would you explain your presence to them? Then again, it couldn't be unusual for another person to turn up; a Jedi's friend or lover perhaps (not that you were either of those).

The door opened and you were stood in the hallway. You realised you didn't know how to get out, or whether or not you should find Obi-Wan first. You thought you should, to thank him again, but where was he? You saw somebody walking towards you. He was green, dressed in similar robes to Obi-Wan. He looked friendly enough,

"Excuse me?" You stopped him, he turned to you with a smile,

"Hello there, who are you?"

"Y/N, I'm looking for Obi-Wan?" You weren't sure what to say, but the Jedi didn't seem the judgemental sort,

"Master Kenobi should be in the communications room by now, would you like me to take you to him?" He turned his head to gesture down the hall. You nodded.

"Thank you er-"

"Kit Fisto." He smiled again.

Kit Fisto was nice, you liked him a lot. He didn't talk much as you walked the maze of halls with him, but in the same way that Obi-Wan felt compassionate, he felt kind.

"What are you doing here anyway, Y/N?" He asks, "I don't think Kenobi has ever mentioned you."

"Well we've only really just met, he was teaching me self-defence. It was getting late, so he let me stay the night." You explained, hoping he wouldn't press further.

Kit hummed, but didn't say anything else. Had you said something wrong? He sounded curious, but his politeness got the better of him and he let it slide.

When you arrived, you saw Obi-Wan, Yoda and another two men gathered around a hologram. Yoda, being shorter than the rest, was sat on a floating chair. They seemed to be talking to somebody, but one of the unfamiliar men - who was bald and stern looking- shut it off upon seeing you stood there.

"Master Fisto, who is this?" He asked, not taking his eyes off you,

"This is Y/N," He replies calmly, a hand resting on your shoulder, "She was looking for Master Kenobi."

"It's alright Master Windu," Obi-Wan says, approaching you, "She was just on her way home."

"I wanted to say thank you, Master Obi-Wan, for letting me stay. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important."

Obi-Wan chuckled softly, "Of course not, and you're very welcome."

"Bye then Master Obi-Wan,"

"Goodbye," He lifted his eyes from you to Kit, "Would you show her out?"

"Of course." Kit placed his hand back on your shoulder, leading you gently out of the room.


As you said your goodbyes and thank yous to Kit, Obi-Wan was left to answer to his fellow Jedi.

"Who is she Obi-Wan?" Windu asked, not amused.

"She's a friend."

"A friend," His tone was serious, and he refused to continue work until he got answers.

"Teaching his friend, Obi-Wan was." Yoda spoke up,

"Friend? I didn't think you had friends Obi-Wan?" Said the other Jedi, whose name was Anakin (though you didn't know that).

"Anakin, you're my friend." Obi-Wan felt himself become frustrated by the constant attention on him.

"Very well, Master" Anakin sensed his anger and decided to leave it

"I don't like the idea of allowing people to come and wander the Temple." Complained Windu, "Who knows what she would have done if she hadn't found Master Fisto."

"She isn't a threat!" Obi-Wan interrupted suddenly, not wanting to hear anymore about the topic. Anakin smiled at his outburst, and Windu seemed taken aback. The room fell silent.

"Right, Obi-Wan is. A threat, the girl is not."

Windu was quiet, and turned on the hologram sheepishly. They continued their work without any delay, each one hoping to forget the conversation they had just had.

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