14- Sooga and sourness

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You wake up early in the morning, which is to be expected when lying against a living alarm clock. Obi-Wan got up at the crack of dawn, the two suns of Tatooine rising just above the sand dunes as you were awoken by the sudden loss of warmth. Yawning, you looked up at Obi-Wan with half-lidded eyes, he helped you to your feet,

"For someone who sleeps so much, you sure are tired a lot."

You didn't respond, instead watching as the clones (who were already awake) busied themselves with finishing preparations. They moved as one, with the occasional joke or comment rising through the monotone babble of chatter. You couldn't tell them apart, aside from the markings on their armour and the slight differences in voice, but they seemed like a family rather than the same person multiplied. You smiled as you watched them, until Obi-Wan tugged at your sleeve,

"Come on, I believe I promised you a proper breakfast this morning."


Mos Eisley was not a settlement you expected to find a good restaurant in. Though, to be fair, it would take a lot to be worse than the greasy little shacks you often frequented in Coruscant. 

Everywhere was just waking up, stirring in the sunlight and dusting off the sand that hand be blown around during the night. People from all over were opening up shop, yelling to the animals and each other in their many native tongues. You found it calming, the hustle and bustle was not frightening in the least, if anything this was exactly the sort of place you would like to live- dry and constantly alive, not damp and dead like the alleys of your home planet.

Obi-Wan saw it differently. He made sure you stayed close to him, warning you of the dangerous Hutts who controlled the planet and telling stories of the sorts of people who often visited a place like this. Bounties and Bounty-Hunters, common thieves, murderers, anyone who wouldn't want to be found would find refuge in Mos Eisley. That didn't bother you much, but you weren't going to argue with him, so you agreed not to wander off, even going as far as to hold his hand when the thicket of people walking past you grew too thick for Obi-Wan's liking.

His hand was clamped tight around yours, but the silent connection was just as warm as the suns. Strong and sturdy, his hand held yours, leading you through the growing amount of people, weaving through dusty street after dusty street. He was almost reluctant to let go when you no longer needed his guidance, his hand letting go of yours slowly, his fingers brushing as much skin as possible before finally breaking away and falling to his side. You thought nothing of it, more worried about how sweaty your palm had become, wandering whether he had noticed or not. 

You eventually stepped through the entrance to a small cantina. Music was playing quietly, a happy tune that would certainly get stuck in your head for weeks on end, and you saw that there were yet to be many patrons. Obi-Wan led you to a table in the back, a semi-circle shaped booth that was secluded by walls on three sides. You slid in, watching as a Obi-Wan did the same, careful not to shuffle to far over, leaving as much space as possible between you. 

A twi-lek came over with drinks that you didn't even order, just placing down the tray with a smile and wink in Obi-Wan's direction, which he ignored. He poured you both a glass of the stuff, and you drank, humming when the red liquid burned with the familiar sensation of alcohol. Neither of you had drunk for a while, and you could tell Obi-Wan was just as pleased as you were. He set down the glass, eyeing you up from across the booth,

"What would you like to eat?"

"I don't know, what do you recommend?"

"I hear the Jawas are very called of what they call 'sooga'."Obi-Wan glanced over to the small gathering of Jawas who were pestering the twi-lek

"What's 'sooga'?" You asked, eyes fixed on them as they reached out greedily and tried to remove the twi-leks necklace from around their neck.

"Egg by the looks of it," Obi-Wan nodded over in the Jawas' direction. The twi-lek had handed them a large egg which they smashed open and ate raw with their hands. You scrunched up your nose.

"Maybe not,"

Obi-Wan nodded. The Jawas were scraping the egg-shell clean in a desperate attempt to get out as much slimy stuff as they could, shovelling it into the dark abyss where their faces were supposed to be. You turned away and distracted yourself with another sip of your drink.


Instead of 'sooga', the twi-lek recommended a range of foods on a platter. You didn't expect much, but you were pleasantly surprised. It was mostly fruit, brightly coloured and almost too sweet to be eating this early, but there was meat too. The meat of what exactly, neither of you were sure, but it tasted rich and smoky, kind of like an enhanced taste of the very air around you.

Obi-Wan was more reserved while eating, picking at what you didn't like instead of taking what he really wanted. He was holding back, not because he was concerned about cost, but because you seemed so happy. The meal was yours, he knew that, and he wasn't going to put a damper on it by asking you to refrain. It was a test of endurance for him, seeing how far he could go before snapping. He had held your hand while you walked, which he shouldn't have done and now he was punishing himself. Your hand was small and dainty in comparison to his, smooth and soft- too soft, and he couldn't help but want to hold it again. He had made himself sit on the edge of the booth, not trusting himself to sit beside you. Lately, it was becoming harder and harder to stop himself- he had to be near you, had to be touching you in some way, even if it was something as small as your leg pressed against his. Anything was enough to make him hot beneath the collar and he hated it.

When did this obsession begin? He believed it started after he found you locked away in a room, so scared and alone, he had vowed to never make you feel that way again. From there, it had only gotten worse: the prolonged amount of time the two of shared together was causing his affections to grow and strengthen, worsening every time he saw you. Those afternoons you spent in the library? They were blissful torture, so sweet and yet pained as he reminded himself that he could never truly have you.

He was sworn to the Jedi council, and you were sworn to a life that he had no connection to. You would leave once this mission was complete, then what would he do? Get over it? Mourn you like you were dead? The last time, he had-

-no, it was best that he didn't think about her. 

He picked at the food left on the platter as you sat back and bathed in the ever-growing heat of Tatooine. You seemed so at home here, he hated seeing you in the humid depths, slick and slimy- not like you. You were warm, and your humour almost dry, much like the very planet you were currently on. It was built for you, the whole galaxy seemed to be. It was made for you to explore, everything was. Except for Obi-Wan, he was not made for you, you were made for him. So perfect, he thought, so different to him and yet so perfect.

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