16- Mission... accomplished?

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Approaching the base, you saw it was very much similar to a moisture farm. The outside made it seem small, insignificant, but as you approached, you spotted droids patrolling the area and four towers at each corner of the land. It was an eyesore compared to the rugged beauty of the sand, but you still wanted to run off and explore it, snoop around and familiarise yourself with the new thing before you.

Obi-Wan was less eager, holding your shoulder tight to prevent you from running off and commanding the clones to get a closer look. They did so, splitting off and circling the base, wary of how far the droids could see ahead of them and staying out of sight. Obi-Wan stayed close, but encouraged the two of you to go closer as well,

"There should only be droids inside, they'd never waste a general on something like this."

You nodded, wiping sand from your face as Obi-Wan received a message from a clone, Cody, he called him.

"Sir, we found a back entrance. There's only a few guards."

"Good, wait there, we'll be with you shortly." Obi-Wan turned to you and flashed a devilish, excited smile, "This is where the fun begins."


It was a blur, really, from the moment Cody shot the first droid to standing in the main hub of the base. You remembered orders being yelled, bolsters being fired, Obi-Wan dragging you along when you were too overwhelmed to just follow behind. The clones were talented, incredibly so, and you began to trust them a lot more. They worked in sync, perfect harmony as they cleared the base of droids. 

A few had gone off to search the base for any survivors, and you were left with the others and Obi-Wan in the hub. It was weird, standing in a Separatist base, it was almost identical to the interfaces in the Jedi Temple and on the ships; the same buttons and switches, just used for different things. You ran your hand along a panel and imagined what it would have been like for the droids, alone, on a planet nobody visited, working tirelessly with no free will. You locked eyes with a clone who had removed their helmet and realised, with great regret, that the clones were maybe less free than even the droids. The droids were simply that, machines, but the clones were alive. One had died during your break-in, and they had bled like you would have. They died with ragged breathes, like you. They had cried like you.

You looked away from the clones and back to Obi-Wan, who was fiddling with the panels,

"let's see if we can't find out why this is here, then." He said, bringing up a hologram that displayed the base in its entirety. The picture flickered and moved, zooming on certain sections that Obi-Wan selected with the panel.

To say you understood what you were seeing would be a lie, you were none the wiser, but you were enjoying the adventure. The base had many more floors than you anticipated, going down and down below the sand. It didn't even look finished, with the lowest floor leading to the beginning of another. Obi-Wan sighed and tried to find some sort of log or report to show what exactly they had been doing.

"It can't just be a surveillance base. There's too many floors, it's too big, no surveillance base is this big." He muttered to himself as he continued to sort through the mass of files, picking it clean for information. 

The other clones came back from the search, reporting that a few droids had been found on the lowest level, desperately trying to open a door. You thought nothing of it, droids weren't intelligent, they were probably just looking for an exit. Instead, you watched Obi-Wan grow more and more frustrated with his lack of success.

"At least we stopped them," You said, trying to cheer him up.

"No, that's not enough. There's something more happening here, I can sense it." He pressed a few more buttons, before saying, "Here! Call recordings! every communication from this base has been logged!" He played one, the most recent message and stepped back.

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