20- Two halves of the same person

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Obi-Wan awoke some time after you had left for the canteen. He could still feel your warmth around him, and he was reluctant to get up, disturb the air floating around, the only thing left of you. So he stayed there, sitting in his bed, as he waited for your return. 

"Master Obi-Wan?" You knocked before opening the door, he smiled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes,

"y/n, where did you run off to?"

"Breakfast, I brought you some." You sat on the end of the bed and handed him the tray, which he picked at as you talked, 

"We're going away, Master Windu is sending me, you, and Anakin to the depths."

Obi-Wan hummed, "Don't you think it's a little soon? I've only just recovered."

"That's what I thought, but Master Windu insists."

"Then we must go," Obi-Wan set the tray down on his nightstand and got up, disappearing into the bathroom. 

When he emerged again, he was quick to hurry you out into the corridors, "It's been a while since I've showed my face around here, it'll be nice to see everyone again."

The Jedi were please to see Obi-Wan, wishing him well as the two of you walked together. Everyone seemed so excited to see him again, you almost felt invisible as they spoke to him but ignored you. You supposed that was selfish, he'd been in bed recovering for so long, it was understandable for people to want to see him again. Still, you couldn't help it, wishing to reach your destination sooner rather than later.

Obi-Wan pushed open the door to the communications room. Silence fell, and you saw that Anakin, Master Windu and Yoda were all looking at you. Anakin stopped whatever he was doing and hurried over to Obi-Wan,

"I've missed you, Obi-Wan." He pulled him into a tight hug, which Obi-Wan didn't return. Instead he laughed and patted Anakin on the back to get him to pull away,

"It's always good to be missed, I suppose." He smiled down at you, "But I heard we've got a new mission."

Master Windu nodded, and suddenly the table lit up, displaying the depths of Coruscant that you knew so well. The alleys and back streets you lived to walk. You looked them over and imagined yourself strolling down them. If you had never met Obi-Wan, would you be walking down one right now? Drunk and covered in filth- stumbling probably- finding your way home in the dark and the fog. 

"Separatists have infiltrated the depths, reports of rebellion are spreading. Apparently, they are trying to recruit the poor in the hopes of their numbers shifting the tide in Coruscant." He looked at Anakin, Obi-Wan and yourself, "You will be going undercover in order to find whoever's responsible and get rid of them. We cannot allow Coruscant to fall into enemy hands." 

You watched the hologram disappear. Rebellion? Obi-Wan placed a hand on your shoulder, and shifted closer to him. Undercover in the depths sounded like torture, especially with Obi-Wan and Anakin by your side. Anakin huffed and shrugged his shoulders,

"I don't see the point in worrying, those scum will never be able to accomplish anything down there."

You felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Those 'scum' were your friends, your neighbours, maybe even family. You weren't proud of where you came from, but they were people too. Nobody can control where they are born, and escaping the depths is not a privilege granted to many. It's not easy to claw your way out of that place, you were lucky to be found by the Jedi. Others were not that fortunate. 

Obi-Wan's grip on your shoulder tightened. He could sense how uncomfortable Anakin made you, and even if he could never understand exactly why the two of you had such a rocky relationship, he wanted you to sort it out. This mission would be just the three of you, and it would be a chance for you and Anakin to sort out your differences- at least that's what Obi-Wan thought. He cared about you both deeply, seeing that you didn't get along pained him. He hated having to choose between the two of you, if only you could all be friends. 

"Come along, Y/N, it's been so long since I last trained, I think it's well overdue." He led you out of the communications room, but you felt someone hold you back,

"I'll come too, it has been too long, Obi-Wan." Anakin smiled at you, but his eyes looked dead. Obi-Wan didn't notice, only chuckled to himself,

"Very well, Anakin, I believe Y/N is yet to see your skills in action." 

The three of you left together, Obi-Wan stood between Anakin and you, which you were grateful for. You didn't hate Anakin, but after what he did to you, you didn't trust him. Not only did he deceive you, he deceived and continues to deceive Obi-Wan. You kept your promise not to tell him, but were you doing the right thing? If only Obi-Wan knew, then maybe he wouldn't be so carelessly trusting of the young Jedi. As you walked alongside the two of them, you remembered what Obi-Wan told you,

"Every time I see Anakin, I remember how I wanted to abandon him"

It must be a lot of guilt to bare, you realised, looking at how Obi-Wan laughed at his jokes, listened to his every word. When Anakin was just a child, Obi-Wan planned to leave him behind. He must have had his reasons, but still. Anakin was just a boy, on a planet that had nothing compared to what Obi-Wan had on Coruscant. He was going to abandon Anakin, leave him in a place where he would never amount to anything. You looked at Anakin again and realised something you wished you hadn't-

-he was just like you. 

You, too, lived in a place where you would be never be anybody, never have your potential realised, never achieve your dreams no matter how much you tried. Is that what Obi-Wan thought when he looked at you that first night? That you were just like Anakin, lost and afraid and struggling against your very surroundings. Is that why he tried so hard to take you away from there? To make up for the time he wanted to leave Anakin? You felt your throat tighten and your chest lighten with those butterflies you always got when you thought about Obi-Wan too much. You almost wanted to cry, but then you were being led into the training room and both Anakin and Obi-Wan were removing their robes. You didn't have time to think about that anymore, not even when you looked at Anakin and saw yourself looking right back at you. 

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