27- When one door closes...

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Obi-Wan stops. Time itself has stopped. He puts his head in his hands for a moment and tries to collect himself. His breathing is shaky, his heart is pounding in his throat.

He almost doesn't quite believe it, but when he lifts his head to look at you, he can see it in your eyes. Sweet, pure, sparkling. The pupils dilated, lips parted slightly, sweat beading on your brow. You look like you mean it, you look...

You look like how she did.

He has to test your truthfulness. He stands, and when he approaches, you don't back away. One hand reaches up to hold your face, thumb stroking your cheek. You lean into it, and Obi-Wan smiles. When he leans his face in, you move to close the gap.

The first touch of your lips can only be described as a rebirth. The world begins a new, a new universe opens to the pair of you. It's magical, spellbinding, and it consumes you. It's like the garden of Eden has sprung forth, and flowers unfurl their petals, the golden dews of morn dripping from the velvet.

His hands trail down to your waist, holding you flush against him. He's anxious to pull away, in case he wakes from whatever beautiful dream he's in. You can feel the bristles of his beard tickle your face, his hands tighten, and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in and keeping him there.

When you pull away, you're trembling. Whatever energy that was surging through you has stopped, and you're left in the aftershock, looking at the man before you. He smiles, and for a moment he moves to kiss you again, but then stops.

"I can't believe it." He says. "This is real."

"It is."

"This is- This is so wrong, I mean. I'm a Jedi, this is unprecedented."

"Obi-Wan, relax. Nobody has to know. It's just us, I can keep a secret if you can." You stroke his hair, and he blushes.

"Ok." He sighs, "Ok."


Anakin paced up and down his room. The two of you had been gone for ages, and he was beginning to worry. He sat on the bed for a moment, then stood, then paced some more before sitting down again. It had been hours now, and he could feel the nerves worming in his gut. He had been told explicitly to "stay in your room, don't go outside, don't draw attention and don't damage the building by means of fire/bombs/lightsabre." He groaned, and standing once again, opened his hotel door. If Obi-Wan was going to be so annoyingly strict, he could at least hurry back.

He thought to check Obi-Wan's room first, in case the two of you had come back without telling him. It was something he would do, Anakin thought, sneaking back in order to spend more time with you without Anakin there. He saw the way Obi-Wan looked at you, how he had to fiddle with the hilt of his lightsabre when you were near him, how he always fixed his hair and robes before seeing you, how he tried so desperately to impress you with stories that it became laughable in Anakin's eyes. He reached the door and smiled to himself, he was probably telling you a story right now, but when he cracked the door open-


Anakin stood in the doorway. Neither of you saw him, for the door was only open a little. But he saw everything. You had your back to him, and Obi-Wan had his arms around your waist. Hardly a friendly gesture, something undeniably romantic. He stared, watched the way the two of you held each other, how Obi-Wan tilted his head to get closer to you. It was silent, and Anakin held his breath.

He had always known, of course, but to see it happening, to the the physical act- it stirred something inside of him. He thought he was the only Jedi to love, to form attachments, he thought he was broken. But he wasn't. Obi-Wan followed every rule in the book, so if he could do this, then it meant something, something huge. It meant every Jedi could love, that the books were wrong for all those centuries, that everyone had been told a lie. He watched, as Obi-Wan pulled away, but his hands lingered, the sudden noise of Obi-Wan's voice woke Anakin from his thinking and he quickly shut the door. 

Out in the hall, it was quiet. Anakin stood and thought. What should he do? Report it? That would make him a hypocrite. Should he tell Obi-Wan what he saw? No, probably not. Obi-Wan might press him for a reason as to why he hasn't gone straight to Master Yoda, and that would mean exposing himself. Anakin hummed to himself, the thought bouncing around in his head, but there was no other option than to keep quiet, pretend he saw nothing, carry on as normal. This was the depths, where secrets bubbled around every corner, where rumours and gossip spread like rats down every street. Here, the two of you were relatively safe from the Jedi, for even they had no power over the depths. It was when you went back to the temple that you would have to be careful. 

So for now, Anakin kept himself to himself. He was still stood in the hallway, when the door behind him opened.

"Anakin? What are you doing out in the hall? Why didn't you knock?" Obi-Wan was stood there, and his face was red, as was yours. Anakin grinned,

"Sorry Master, I was about to, but I thought I heard something and got distracted."

"Well, come in then, we have to plan our next move." 

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