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"What are you doing?" You asked Obi-Wan, who was staring pensively into his drink.

The two of you had found your way into a bar, sitting together in a booth as you drank. Obi-Wan was a lot slower than you, savouring the taste (which was hardly worth savouring) as you raced to finish yet another glass.

"Thinking." he replied eventually,


"You." He smirked, "And your nasty habit of running into me."

"I can't help it." You shrugged,

"Oh, I have no problem with it. The council however-"

"The council?"

"The Jedi council, they're not impressed."

"So? I don't do it on purpose."

"Everything happens for a purpose, that includes our meetings."

"And what purpose is that?"

"I don't know... But i'll figure it out." He sounded certain, his face hardening as he spoke.

"Why bother? There's no point figuring out the reason, because if it's bound to happen, it's bound to happen."

"I don't understand..."

"Exactly. And it's better that way. Understanding why something is happening just makes it more painful, because you realise you still can't stop it." You trailed off,
taking another sip of your drink as Obi-Wan spoke.

"But I don't want to stop it?"

"Then why worry about the reason?"

"Because that's what I'm supposed to do." He sighed

You shrugged, "Well I'm not supposed to do anything."

He hummed, swirling the liquid in his glass, his face shadowed by the dim lighting. His eyes were glazed over as he thought, and you looked into them, hoping to see what he was thinking about. It must be important to him, because he seemed to almost freeze, barely blinking as his
mind continued to be elsewhere.

"Master Obi-Wan? You don't dislike me,
do you?"

"No, of- of course not. Like I said, the council are unsure of you."

"Well then," You smiled, "I'm sure they'll be excited to see me again."


And they were, or at least, they were excited to see Obi-Wan.

"Master, where have you been? And what are you wearing?" Asked the young man you had seen in the communications room,

"Sorry Anakin, we ran into a little trouble and I needed a disguise." Obi-Wan lied through his teeth. It wasn't the most convincing lie, but it seemed to work.

"We? Oh, Y/N."

"Hello" you greeted him with a little wave.

"Y/N, this is Anakin." Obi-Wan took the bag of robes from your hand as he spoke, "I better get these horrid clothes off."

He left you and Anakin alone, who scratched the back of his head awkwardly,

"So, how did you and Obi-Wan meet?" He asked,

"I helped him stop someone stealing his lightsaber, and then he saved me from being kidnapped." You laughed it off, realising how crazy it sounded.

"Right, and what sort of trouble did you get into tonight?" His voice dripped with slyness

"I-we.. um.." You weren't sure what to say, not wanting to get Obi-Wan in trouble, "Well..."

Without The Force ~Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now