13- Sleep

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You decided to have a look around the ship. It wasn't very big, equipped with basic weaponry and shields, not that you know much about that. You were more intrigued by the detailing in the walls, the buttons and levers that you dare not touch for fear of doing something drastic. Instead  you just looked, imagining what it might be like to live on a ship, spending everyday flying, travelling the entirety of space just because you could. You had never been outside of Coruscant, and your world ended and began with the bars you called home. Even doing this, something so dangerous and potentially fatal was more than you could ever dream of. You needed the exhilaration of fighting, running, acting purely on instinct instead of waking up everyday knowing what you were doing.

The routine of your week in the Temple had been nice, relaxing, but nothing gave you the same high as this. Your primal instincts inside of you yearned to free themselves with each boring day that passed, and now you finally had the chance to use them, even if it would only be for one mission. Obi-Wan would probably allow such a thing to happen again, and that bothered you, you weren't sure you could go back to Coruscant, specifically not your home. It was too dull and drab. You'd think the depths would be interesting, and they were, but it got boring quickly; drinking, sleeping and scavenging for food and money was not how you wanted to spend the rest of your life.

Obi-Wan had mentioned that the journey would take a little over a day and that a room was waiting for you on the ship. After exploring all the corridors and hallways, desperately wanting to peek inside the rooms, you headed back to Obi-Wan to ask where your room was,

"Take a right just through there and it should be on the left," Said Obi-Wan, not really listening. He was still transfixed on flying, even though you had told him to stop worrying. You thanked him though and went looking.

What Obi-Wan struggled to mention was the fact that there were three rooms on the left. The first one was clearly his room, mainly because all his things were packed away properly with his robe on a hook beside the door. You sighed, but then laughed, deciding it best not to snoop through a Jedi's belongings. You tried the next room, and it was yours. Sitting down on the bed, you yawned. Glancing around there wasn't much in the room aside from your bed, the dresser and your bag of stuff that you had brought with you. You remember leaving that bag at the entrance, so Obi-Wan must have brought it in. You smiled, lying down and yawning again. You felt less guilty sleeping on this bed, knowing that Obi-Wan had his own bed as well. Rolling over, you fell asleep at top the covers, the humming and gentle movements of the ship comforting you.


"Y/N, we're almost there." Obi-Wan knocked on the door, waking you. 

"Ok General Obi-Wan," You got up, rubbing your eyes and half-stumbling towards the door, "What time is it?"

"Early evening, we'll meet with the clones and set up camp, you ready to go?"

You nodded, grabbing your bag and following Obi-Wan outside. You were excited to meet the clones after hearing so much about them. Obi-Wan had recounted several stories about them and their bravery, which made you eager to see them in action.

Outside, your feet sank into the sand. You breathed in, feeling the hot, dry air all around you. It was a dry, sandy planet; it was so different from the sticky, damp alleys of Coruscant and you loved it. Obi-Wan seemed to have a different opinion, already removing his brown cloak and drawing it over his shoulder,

"Tatooine, about as deserted as it gets," He says, slipping in the sand as he tries to walk towards the small town on the horizon, "We'll  be meeting them in Mos Eisely, let's go."

You follow him, also struggling through the sand, but still incredibly excited. You'd never seen anywhere like this, and with the two suns shining overhead, you couldn't help but smile,

"I see you're excited," Obi-Wan kept turning around to make sure you were keeping up with him,

"I've never been outside Coruscant..." You admitted, somewhat embarrassed. Obi-Wan smiled,

"Well I promise you, it gets much better than this." He stopped walking to let you catch up, offering his arm for you to link your own through. 

It was easier walking with him, even when going up and down the hills, sliding and laughing when you almost fell, 

"Careful, I don't want any injuries on this mission."

You laughed harder, brushing the sand off your clothes. You'd never felt sand before, but you quite liked it. You had heard of the beaches on other worlds, swimming followed by bathing in the sun. The sand felt like fun, playful in the way it clung to your skin. Obi-Wan was grumbling about it getting in his shoes, but you didn't mind. It was refreshing, the new sensations surrounding you. You don't know why anyone would ever take something like this for granted.


The clone troopers were intimidating when you first met them. They were stood outside of a cantina, still dressed in all their armour. It must have been hot in there, but they refused to even remove their helmets until you found a place to camp for the night. 

With the suns setting, a camp was set up under a rocky outcrop on the out-skirts of Mos Eisely. You sat by the fire as the troopers busied themselves with unpacking supplies. You had caught some of their names, but you were too busy staring into the fire to pay attention to them. It was still warm, but a chill was starting to creep up the back of your neck.


You turned to see Obi-Wan, stood behind you with an armful of stuff,

"I'm sorry, did you want some help?" 

Obi-Wan shook his head, "No, you're alright. Are you hungry?"

You nodded, and Obi-Wan set down what he was holding, sitting beside you. He took out a couple of packets of something, handing one to you,

"What is this stuff?" You pulled out a blue square of jelly, wobbling it slightly,

"I'm not sure, but there's plenty of it." He shrugged, turning to look into the fire as you had,

You shrugged, scrunching your nose as you dared to take a bite of the food. It didn't taste very nice, and from what you could tell, Obi-Wan didn't like it much either.

"We'll go back into the settlement tomorrow, I'll buy you something actually edible."

You nodded, shifting closer to him as the temperature dropped further. Obi-Wan let you come closer, even wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"There's a nice place I know," He continued, "You'd like it."

"You've been here before?" You asked, looking up at him, head nestled on his shoulder.

He nodded, "Once, it's a long story. Qui-Gon and I were forced to stop here, it's where we first met Anakin."

"Qui-Gon was your master, right?" You felt Obi-Wan shift, "You don't talk about him much, what was he like?"

"He was a great man, much better than I'll ever be."

"Then why don't you talk about him?"

Obi-Wan didn't say anything, just pulled you in closer. You buried your face into his shoulder,

"I won't let anything happen to you, Y/N" His voice was shaky, uncertain but brave. 

You glanced up at him, noticing the distant look in his eye and the glaze covering them. He blinked harshly, trying not to cry. You felt terrible, but didn't know what to say, just snuggling closer as a way of comforting him. He was strong and solid against you and you felt your eyelids getting heavy. You yawned, but Obi-Wan didn't move, so you took it as confirmation that you were allowed to do what you wanted. Closing your eyes, you mumbled a goodnight, vaguely hearing Obi-Wan yawn and say something as well. You were warm, and you felt secure, his arm still holding you close to him, your heart fluttering as you fell asleep against him. 

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