02- Familiar faces

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It was a while before you saw them again, but you couldn't be sure how long exactly. Night and day were rather similar, and one too many drinks had the nasty habit of putting you out of action for days. Not that you minded that, but it still complicated the act of measuring time.

Suppose it was fate that drew you two back together, the maker playing games, rolling the dice and forcing the pair of you to cross paths. You wouldn't have missed the man if he didn't return, it would become another story to tell over drinks, or something you would chalk up to a dream or high of sorts. Lighsabres, Jedi, magic powers, they seemed the stuff of legend rather than reality.

Either way you did meet again, though you would have preferred it be under different circumstances. You were traversing the streets, only a few drinks deep, and your mind was elsewhere as it usually was. You paid no mind to the strange creatures you passed, drunken, hostile and often stinking of some combination of awful things. They grumbled and yelled, swayed and sung loudly, creating the background noise you grew to tolerate over the years. They were helplessly ruined, all of them, and you felt some pity as you bent down to snatch a bottle one had left beside them. They were sleeping peacefully and all free drinks were good drinks.

You were happy as you drank the stolen beverage, or at least the closest thing to it. Nothing could bring you true joy, true joy costed money, and required friends, you had alcohol and that made you at least think you were happy. You pondered it as you turned a corner, heading back to the grimy flat you called home where you could pass out on the mattress and wait until the throbbing in your mind stopped.

Who needed a job? Or money? Or life or a future? You fell sideways against a wall to breathe for a minute, holding the bottle by it's neck, swishing it around and delighting in the noise. It was then that somebody approached you, probably looking for some of your drink. You eyed them up as they grew closer to you, slimy and reeking of cheap cologne.

They smiled at you and grabbed tightly the wrist holding the bottle, you dropped it and gasped as it splashed against your leg.

"That was mine!" You cried, tugging against their grip.

"It looked like good stuff" They didn't listen, and their breathe was rancid as they leaned in closer, "money, now"

"No!" You spat at him,

"Well then, my boss look for girls too. Money or I take you to him." They were awfully close, baring yellow teeth at you

They held a knife to your neck, cold and barely scratching into your skin. You fumbled in the small bag you kept around your shoulder and shoved a few credits into their waiting hand.

"Is not enough," They complain

"It's all I have," You bargain, and you weren't lying,

"No good enough, I have to take you as well," They seemed happy at the idea, "Business is business, you understand?"

You wanted to try calling for help, but they pressed the knife deeper, reminding you of your situation. Not like anyone would come to your rescue anyway.

"Please, leave me alone," You kicked forward, but the solid form didn't move.

"Come on, boss is waiting."

They pinned one arm behind your back, leading you once more onto the main street. A few people turned to watch as you were escorted towards a building. You were still trying to fight, wriggling out of their grasp, trying desperately to move away from the blade dangerously close to cutting you.

"Y/N?!" You heard a familiar voice, one different to the usual around here. Craning your neck, you could just make out a figure cloaked in brown running your way.

"Master Obi-Wan!"

He nodded to you, snatching the knife and turning it on your attacker. He's grabs their arm tightly before they can run.

"Are you hurt?" He asks

"No, no, but they took my money." You straighten yourself out, regathering as Obi-Wan forces them to hand back your credits.


He decides to walk you back to your flat, discarding the knife in an already over-flowing rubbish bin.

"You know, a thank you wouldn't go unnoticed."

"Thank you? For what?" You asked, counting your credits again to make sure you got them all back,

"For saving you,"

"I didn't need saving."

He laughs, "You were being mugged."

"I'd already been mugged actually," You argue, "I was getting kidnapped."

"Still, a thank you would be nice."

"Thank you Master Obi-Wan." You smile at him,

He chuckles again, and the smell of alcohol lingers on his breathe as well as on his clothes.

"It's Master Kenobi, not Master Obi-Wan." He explains when he spots the confusion on your face

"I prefer Master Obi-Wan though."

He doesn't argue back.

When you arrive at your place, one of many in a large block, he grimaces and stalls.

"Aren't you coming inside?" You ask, holding open the door,

"I should go back to my own quarters," He says,

"You shouldn't go home yet, will there be anyone around?"

"I should think so, why?"

"You've been drinking,"

"How do you know that?" He asks defensively,

"Come inside." You open the door wider.

He does, and you know he finds it repulsive- so do you. It's a barely furnished flat, mold grows up the walls and along the ceiling is a variety of odd patches from where something had leaked through the room above. You didn't like it much either, nothing worked and anything that did was on it's last legs. You sat on the mattress on the floor and patted the space beside you,

"How did you know I've been drinking?" Asks Obi-Wan, with no intent of sitting next to you,

"I can smell it on you, not just your clothes, but your breathe."

He turns away,

"What are you doing around here anyway, there must be other places to drink." You knew you certainly wouldn't be here by choice.

"I drink to de-stress, being a Jedi isn't easy and-"

"And all the places near you are posh enough to remind you of the very reason your stressed?" You finish his sentence, which catches him off-guard

"Yes... How did you know that?"

"I don't know, just a hunch." You got up to walk closer to him, "You crave a different life? Well here is as different as it gets."

He takes a minute before responding, "I should take you back to the temple," he says at last,

"So you can blame the smell of alcohol on me?"

"Partly, and because it's dangerous here, you should have some sort of basic self-defense knowledge." He puts a hand on your shoulder,

"I can look after myself, I don't want your magic powers."

"No, nothing like that. Just some fighting techniques, I'd hate to see you getting kidnapped again."

You squint at him, trying to make out what he means. Does he care about you? That was certainly something new, nobody had ever cared about you before, not like he did. He held some sort of authority over you, but in a kind way. People didn't have control of you out here, you looked after yourself, Obi-Wan was something different entirely. He was mad, what good was their worrying about other people?

"Fine, but I can look after myself." You said reluctantly, frowning at his smile.

"Good, come on then, let's go."

Without The Force ~Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now