IV. Transfigurations

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Serenity pov

So my classmate is now Enzo. I swear if he turns into a headache I won't hesitate to change partners.

Anyways, we're all just writing notes and hearing explanations and such. Kind of zoned out because it's just introductions.

"So Serenity, how did you honestly spend last night... both the tower and the pool because I-"

"I enjoyed it... but it was a one time thing." I said still looking straight ahead. I could feel his eyes on me but I know if I give him the attention he wants-

"Well what if it isn't a one time thing.." he was whispering, his voice went deep and he was close to me. I felt his breath brushing against the side of my face.

He knows what he's doing. Two can play this game.

"Maybe but you'll probably bore me in less than a week." I kept my eyes looking ahead and my tone was nonchalant.

"Bore ?"


Silence. I know he was taking a moment because you see rejecting Enzo Berkshire wasn't a common thing.

"Let me walk you to your next class."

That was simple. Wow he gets shut down easily but it's for the best. Two opposite friend groups shouldn't mix.

I nodded and the class went on silent, I feel a tad bit guilty.

Did I hurt his feelings ? I really didn't mean to I just- I just didn't think it should go further-

The sound of students getting up to rush to their next classes snapped me out of my thinking.

"Drifting away as always darling?" He said getting up and waiting for me to pack my things.

I need to stop being in my mind so much.

"So my next class is Care for Magical Creatures, it's not too far so there's really no need to walk me-"

"Oh please, I insist.. plus I have a free period now so no need to worry about me."

We're walking amongst other students, no matter how big these halls people will always crowd it.

"Come I know a shortcut,"

"Do you really or is it just-"

"Serenity you should stop second guessing everything and just trust." And with that he was pulling me and making way through the wave of students.

We take a sharp turn- wait not a turn. We're in somewhere.

Abandoned bathrooms.

"So you think I'll bore you?" Enzo said looking straight at me, I choose to stay quiet but that didn't help.

He rushes to me and I back up now I'm against the wall, both his arms pressed against the wall, I'm trapped.

"I said, so you think I'll bore you?" This time his voice was harsh, bodies nearly touching and his eyes are burning through mine.

I like this.

I'll stop second guessing.

"I mean I assume but if you think otherwise please explain."

There's tension. Lots of it. Last nights kiss felt paused in the middle... is this a continuation?

With one hand he tucked my hair behind my ear, then his hand to hold of my chin, his thumb feeling my bottom lip.

"Say the words, I'll show you how 'boring' I can be" he said with hungry eyes, fuck- he's hot. And he knows it.

"Show me then,"

And with that he dove for a kiss. He hand gently placed on my neck. But this kiss was far from passionate. Felt ... lustful.

What are you doing to me Enzo.

Our lips in sync, tongues going at each other in such sync it felt great to kiss him. My hands crept up his body as his crept down. My arms around his neck until I felt his hands ordering to carry me.

Is it bad that I listen? How do I not ?

He puts me on a sink, his lips travel to my neck and I'm breathing heavy, not sure if it's from the wet kisses I'm receiving on my neck or from the kiss we didn't let go of.

"Fuck" the word slipped out, dammit.

I felt his smirk against my neck, he stands straight again. Looking down at me and I'm looking up at him.

"You bored yet" he said with a smirk, he knows he's good. And he knows it makes me weak in my knees.


"Good, we have a few minutes left lets make the most of them shall we ?" I simply nodded, I'm at a loss for words.

"Serenity .... yes or no-"

"Yes" he smiled at my quick response. Ugh the things you do to me, Enzo.

We clash again, this we both drop our robes. You know more freedom to move.

Not breaking our kissing, his hands start unbuttoning my blouse. Fuck were moving fast.

He breaks our kiss and starts trailing down.

From my jawline to near my ear. Then my neck and collarbone.

"You're gorgeous Serenity" his voice deep and out of breathe. Butterflies is all I felt in my stomach.

I can't take my eyes off what he's doing, I've made out with others before but never to this extent-

I let out a gasp when I feel his mouth on my boobs. I still have a bra on but fuck it feels nice.

And with that he lets go. Merlin I'm a mess.

It's quiet and we're both looking at one another, panting both our lips bright red and wet from kissing. He's checking me out that's for sure.

"You really are gorgeous... sorry for the uhm marks-"

"Marks?" I turn to look at the mirror and surely there was marks, many marks.

"Enzo... wh-what am I supp-"

"Don't worry I can put a charm." He said now holding my face in his hands. His hands going on each hickey and love bite.


"There, that'll do for most of the day" he helped me get down and handed me my robe. He's sweet compared to who he was a couple minutes ago.

"Thanks.." fidgeting with my pinky ring and looking down at my feet, I feel extremely shy because I don't think I've ever shown that side ? Hell I didn't even know I had that in me.

"Let's go before you show up late" and with that his hand went over my shoulders and we walked to my next class. I felt cared for after that heated moment, smiling down to myself I took in everything.

If this is what our relationship is gonna be ... I don't mind it, not one bit.

-Please remember to vote and share my book !
-so also, there will be a lot more spice after these chapters (as in the first release). ALSO DONT BE SHY TO ASK FOR THINGS I MIGHT INPUT INTO THE STORY 🥰 I'd love for my readers to be involved !

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