XV. Potions

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Mattheos pov

I watched as she walked out of the great hall, I don't know why but her pushing me away makes me want to get deeper into her life.

I came to Hogwarts on mission and I have a feeling she's key to my success. Serenity Amour will let me in and I'll make sure that by tonight I'll be someone in her life that won't be easily pushed out.

Little does she know I got my schedule almost just like hers. She's probably already near her next class, Charms, where I am too headed.

Cant wait to see the look on her face.

Serenity's pov

Charms with Flitwick, lovely morning.

I took out my book, The Standard Book of Spells, and as I was going to gently place it down, the book slip and slammed making everyone's head turn to the loud thud.

"Sorry..." I mumbled looking towards Professor Flitwick who just nodded and turned back to his paper work.

"You know if you need help carrying books you could just say that." Mattheo mocked Alinas voice as he sat beside me.

"What are you doing here ? You have like Arthima-"

"Not anymore, I changed my schedule around didn't really like how they arranged my classes." He spoke normal, not with any scary tone to his voice or trying to be intimidating.

"Oh also thank you for slamming your book, took attention from me entering the class."

"They'll get over it soon enough you know..."

"Oh I don't mind these gits to be afraid of me, it's just the teachers can be horribly annoying asking me if I'm in the right class, you know anything but to teach Riddle."

"Maybe you should stop trying to scare people and then you won't get treated that way," I looked over to him and met his eyes looking at mine.

"Maybe I should... but I won't" raising his eyebrows.

I sigh and turn my attention to the Professor, telling us new charms we will be going over the week and what not.

I'm copying down the charms and all the details to it and what it does when suddenly a paper lands next to my book.

I turn it over and it reads open.

I open it and it's a note:
Hey serenity, do you know if Riddle is single ?

I roll my eyes after reading the sentence and Mattheo notices.

"What is it Serenity ? Love letters for the little witch?"

"No actually love letters for the little pain in the arse."

"Oh love letters for Berkshire ?"

I show him the note and he takes it and reads it, a smirk grows once he's done.

"So what are you going to respond?"

"Whats your answer ?" I respond to him as I kept writing in my book ignoring the whole note situation.

There was a silence in class that felt like heaven to my ears, I love being able to work without distractions.

"Would you mind if I answered her myself ?"

"Of course ? You don't need my permission to-"

Sincerely, your Serenity Where stories live. Discover now